rgallery: Build a Gallery of R Snippets

This package makes it easy to create an gallery for displaying small R vignettes, or "snippets". View an example here!


Install with devtools:


You'll need Jekyll and git installed as well.


To create and edit your gallery, simply:

  1. Set up a gallery by running the following commands in R:

This downloads the default r-gallery setup and builds it.

  1. Back in the command line, go into the directory and start a Jekyll server:

    cd my-gallery
    jekyll serve --watch
  2. Visit your local gallery at

  3. To create additional snippets, add .Rmd files to the _R directory. Make sure you include layout: snippet in the YAML header. Then do build_gallery("my-gallery") to compile them.

  4. To publish your gallery online for free, use GitHub pages: just make a public repository and push to the gh-pages branch. Note: You'll need to change the url parameter in _config.yml to http://<yourname><repo-name>.

That's all there is to it!

Additional customization

You can customize the global knitr options (for example, cache = TRUE or echo = FALSE) by adding to the knitr-options block in _config.yml:

# rgallery options
  message: false

Future Plans

dgrtwo/rgallery documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:28 a.m.