# eval is false so that we're not messing with the installer's snippets
opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)

You can share your RStudio snippets with others by publishing them as a GitHub repository or a Gist.

Install from GitHub

To share your snippets, create a GitHub repository with one or more .snippets file at the top level: see the dgrtwo/snippets repository for an example. (You can have other files or folders in the repository, such as a, and they will be skipped).

Anyone can then install your snippets using the code:


If you want to install only for one of the languages in the repo, you can use the language argument:

snippets_install_github("dgrtwo/snippets", language = "r")

# or

snippets_install_github("dgrtwo/snippets", language = "c_cpp")

Finally, you can choose to install only a single snippet:

snippets_install_github("dgrtwo/snippets", language = "r", name = "S3")

Installing from a GitHub Gist

You can also share one or more snippets as a one-file Gist, such as can be found here. To install that snippet, do:

snippets_install_gist("ecc6aec8d37af42cdd83", language = "r")

As of now Gist snippets must be a single file (and language), and the language should be specified manually.

Future Work

dgrtwo/snippr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:29 a.m.