Man pages for dgrtwo/stackr
Client for the Stack Exchange API

combine_urlconstruct a query URL for a request, including checking...
stack_answersQuery answers from the Stack Exchange API
stack_badgesQuery badges from the Stack Exchange API
stack_commentsQuery comments from the Stack Exchange API
stack_GETMake a GET request to the Stack Exchange API
stack_infoQuery general info for a Stack Exchange site
stack_parseParse the results of a Stack Exchange API query into a...
stack_postsQuery posts from the Stack Exchange API
stack_privilegesQuery privileges for a Stack Exchange site
stack_questionsQuery questions from the Stack Exchange API
stack_revisionsQuery revisions from the Stack Exchange API
stack_searchSearch a Stack Exchange site via the API
stack_sitesQuery sites from the Stack Exchange API
stack_suggested_editsQuery suggested edits from the Stack Exchange API
stack_tagsQuery tags from the Stack Exchange API
stack_usersQuery information about users from the Stack Exchange API
dgrtwo/stackr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:20 a.m.