esp_get_country: Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' representing Spain

View source: R/esp_get_country.R

esp_get_countryR Documentation

Get sf POLYGON representing Spain


Returns the boundaries of Spain as a single sf POLYGON at a specified scale.


esp_get_country(moveCAN = TRUE, ...)



A logical TRUE/FALSE or a vector of coordinates c(lat, lon). It places the Canary Islands close to Spain's mainland. Initial position can be adjusted using the vector of coordinates. See Displacing the Canary Islands.


Arguments passed on to esp_get_nuts


Release year of the file. One of "2003", "2006", "2010", "2013", "2016" or "2021".


projection of the map: 4-digit EPSG code. One of:

  • "4258": ETRS89.

  • "4326": WGS84.

  • "3035": ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA.

  • "3857": Pseudo-Mercator.


A logical whether to do caching. Default is TRUE. See About caching.


A logical whether to update cache. Default is FALSE. When set to TRUE it would force a fresh download of the source file.


A path to a cache directory. See About caching.


Logical, displays information. Useful for debugging, default is FALSE.


Resolution of the geospatial data. One of

  • "60": 1:60million

  • "20": 1:20million

  • "10": 1:10million

  • "03": 1:3million

  • "01": 1:1million


A sf POLYGON object.

About caching

You can set your cache_dir with esp_set_cache_dir().

Sometimes cached files may be corrupt. On that case, try re-downloading the data setting update_cache = TRUE.

If you experience any problem on download, try to download the corresponding .geojson file by any other method and save it on your cache_dir. Use the option verbose = TRUE for debugging the API query.

Displacing the Canary Islands

While moveCAN is useful for visualization, it would alter the actual geographic position of the Canary Islands. When using the output for spatial analysis or using tiles (e.g. with esp_getTiles() or addProviderEspTiles()) this option should be set to FALSE in order to get the actual coordinates, instead of the modified ones. See also esp_move_can() for displacing stand-alone sf objects.

See Also

Other political: esp_codelist, esp_get_can_box(), esp_get_capimun(), esp_get_ccaa(), esp_get_comarca(), esp_get_gridmap, esp_get_munic(), esp_get_nuts(), esp_get_prov(), esp_get_simpl_prov()


OriginalCan <- esp_get_country(moveCAN = FALSE)

# One row only



ggplot(OriginalCan) +
  geom_sf(fill = "grey70")

# Less resolution

MovedCan <- esp_get_country(moveCAN = TRUE, resolution = "20")


ggplot(MovedCan) +
  geom_sf(fill = "grey70")

dieghernan/mapSpain documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.