Man pages for diegogarcilazo/myutilities
Collection of functions that I use frequently.

age_catfunction to categorize ages From...
cb_copyCopy data.frames, tables, xtabs, ftables, tbl_df to clipboard...
cb_copyunixCopy an object in the clipboard
cb_pasteRead excel table from clipboard.
classintCreate vector with Interval Class from classIntervals...
consec_idxThis function iterates through values using a sliding window,...
create_labsCreate labels from numeric intervals.
DateToIntCalculate interval unit from dates.
dx_asDateReturn date from excel number.
dx_toNumberReturn excel number from date.
epidates_date2weekReturn epi - week from date. Weeks start on sunday.
epidates_yw2monthReturn month from year and week
epiwk_asDateFunciones para trabajar con semanas epidemiológicas This...
epiwk_calendarThis function returns a calendar
epiwk_datesThis function returns a calendar
epiwk_floorReturn the first day of the week that x <date> is in.
epiwk_intThis function returns a vector with the dates of the week in...
format_spSpanish format print for labels and plus flag.
myutilities-packagemyutilities: Collection of functions that I use frequently.
outersectoutersect: The opposite of R's intersect function. Author:...
pct_seStandard Error from percentege.
periodFromDatesPeriod between two dates with format
rm_accRemove accents.
scale_brewer_palCreate palette Color Brewer from factor levels.
str_between_factoryFunction factory
str_extract_betweenExtract characters between left and right arguments
str_remove_betweenRemove characters between left and right arguments
str_view_betweenShow characters between left and right arguments percent change For use with do function from dplyr. df...
vap.numericAnnual percent change
zerofillFill with left zeros
diegogarcilazo/myutilities documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 2:11 p.m.