knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.dim = c(5.5, 3.5),
                      fig.align = 'center',
                      collapse = TRUE,
                      comment = "#>",
                      out.width = '100%',
                      echo = TRUE)

Load packages

## Auto-install required R packages
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(aire.zmvm, dplyr, ggplot2, lubridate, readr, stringr, mgcv)

Download the data

df <- download_deposition(deposition = "HUMEDO", type = "CONCENTRACION") %>%
  filter(pollutant == "PP")

# When does the SIMAT start recording rainfall each year?
knitr::kable(df %>% 
        group_by(year(date)) %>%
        summarise(min = min(date)))

Model with a GAM

# rainfall is measured around the begginig of may starting in May 2003
df <- df %>% filter(year(df$date) >= 2003)
df$week <- week(df$date)
df$year <- year(df$date)

# no measures of rainfall outside the rainy season, so set them to zero
df <- full_join(df,
            year = year(seq(as.Date("2003-01-01"), 
                            by = "week")),
            week = week(seq(as.Date("2003-01-01"), 
                                by = "week"))
          by = c("year", "week")) %>%
  arrange(year, week)
df$value[$value)] <- 0

df$date <- as.Date(str_c(df$year, "-", df$week,"-",1), format = "%Y-%U-%u")
#fit <- gam(value ~ te(as.numeric(date), week, bs = c("tp", "cc"), k = c(10, 52)),
#           data = df, family = nb())
#plot(fit, pers = TRUE)
fit2 <- gam(value ~ s(as.numeric(date)) + s(week), data = df, family = nb())

df$pred <- predict(fit2, newdata = df, type = "response")


ggplot(df, aes(date, value)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .05) +
  geom_smooth(method = 'gam', formula = y ~ s(x, k = 53),
              method.args= list(family = nb())) +
  ggtitle("Weekly rainfall in Mexico City (2003-2016)") +
  ylab("mm") +

ggplot(df, aes(week, value, group = year, color = year)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .05) +
  ggtitle("Average rainfall in Mexico city",
          subtitle = "Based on a GAM model\nSource: SIMAT") +
  ylab("rainfall in mm") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1,  week("2016-06-01"),  
                                week("2016-09-01"), week("2016-12-01")), 
                     labels = c("Jan", "Jun", "Aug", "Dec")) +
  scale_color_continuous(low="#dddddd", high = "black") +

ggplot(df, aes(week, pred, group = year, color = year)) +
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Modeled weekly rainfall in Mexico City (2003-2016)",
          subtitle = "Based on a GAM model\nSource: SIMAT") +
  ylab("rainfall in mm") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1,  week("2016-06-01"),  
                                week("2016-09-01"), week("2016-12-01")), 
                     labels = c("Jan", "Jun", "Aug", "Dec")) +
  scale_color_continuous(low="#dddddd", high = "black") +

diegovalle/aire.zmvm documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:14 p.m.