injury.intent: Mexican Injury Intent Mortality Data

injury.intentR Documentation

Mexican Injury Intent Mortality Data


This dataset contains all injury intent deaths (accidents, suicides, homicides, legal interventions, and deaths of unspecified intent) registered by the SSA/INEGI from 2004 to 2012




A data frame with 562,475 rows and 66 columns.


  • state_reg: state where the death was registered

  • mun_reg: municipio where the death was registered

  • state_res: state where the deceased resided

  • mun_res: municipio where the deceased resided

  • loc_res: localidad where the deceased resided

  • loc_res_size: size of the locality where the deceased resided, with levels 1-999, 1000-1999, 2000-2999, 3000-4999, 5000-9999, 10000-14999, 15000-19999, 20000-29999, 30000-39999, 40000-49999, 50000-74999, 75000-99999, 100000-249999, 250000-499999, 500000-999999, 1000000-1499999, >1500000

  • state_occur_death: state where the death occurred

  • mun_occur_death: municipio where the death occurred

  • mun_occur_death2: municipio where the death occurred with Tulum coded as if it were Solidaridad, Bacalar as Othon P. Blanco, and San Ignacio Cerro Gordo as Arandas

  • loc_occur: localidad where the death occurred

  • loc_occur_death_size: size of the locality where the death occurred, with levels 1-999, 1000-1999, 2000-2999, 3000-4999, 5000-9999, 10000-14999, 15000-19999, 20000-29999, 30000-39999, 40000-49999, 50000-74999, 75000-99999, 100000-249999, 250000-499999, 500000-999999, 1000000-1499999, >1500000

  • state_occur_lesion: state where the lesion occurred

  • mun_occur_lesion: municipio where the lesion occurred

  • loc_occur_lesion: locality where the lesion occurred

  • maternal_mortality_rate: used for maternal mortality rate calculation

  • oax_dist: code for Oaxaca district

  • icd4: ICD-10 4 digit code

  • icd_chapter: ICD-10 chapter

  • icd_group: ICD-10 group

  • icd_list_103: List of 103 diseases

  • mex_list: code corresponding to the Mexican Disease List

  • mex_list_group: group corresponding to the Mexican Disease List

  • sex: sex of the deceased, with levels Female, Male

  • age_coded: coded age of the deceased, 1001 to 1023 means hours, 1097 minutes not specified, 1098 hours not specified, 2001 to 2029 means days, 2098 days not specified, 3001 to 3011 means months, 3098 months not specified, 4001 to 4120 means years, 4998 years not specified

  • age_years: age in years

  • age_group: five year age group, with levels <1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99, 100-104, 105-109, 110-114, 115-119, 120

  • hour_occur: hour the death occurred

  • min_occur: minute the death occurred

  • day_occur: day when the death occurred

  • month_occur: month when the death occurred

  • year_occur: year when the death occurred

  • day_reg: day when the death was registered

  • month_reg: month when the death was registered

  • year_reg: year when the death was registered

  • day_cert: day the death was certified

  • month_cert: month the death was certified

  • year_cert: year the death was certified

  • day_birth: day of birth of the deceased

  • month_birth: month of birth of the deceased

  • year_birth: year of birth of the deceased

  • job: job of the deceased, with levels Administrators (inferior), Administrators (intermediate), Agropecuary, Armed Forces, Protection and Private Security, Arts and Sports, Directors, Domestic Services, Education, Inactive, Industrial Activities (Foremen), Industrial Production (Helpers), Industrial Production (Machine Operators), Industrial Production (Workers), Insufficiently Specified, Not App. (< 12 years old), Personal Services, Professional, Sales ,Street Salesman, Technician ,Transportation

  • education: education level of the deceased before 2012, with levels 3 to 5 years, Less than 3 years, No Schooling, Not Applicable (< 6 yrs old), Preparatoria, Primaria Completed, Profesional, Secundaria

  • education_2012: education level of the deceased (coding changed in 2012), with levels Graduate Degree, No Schooling, Not Applicable (< 3 yrs old), Preparatoria Complete, Preparatoria Incomplete, Preschool, Primaria Completed, Primaria Incomplete, Profesional, Secundaria Complete, Secundaria Incomplete

  • marital_status: marital status of the deceased before 2012, with levels Divorced, Living Together, Married, Not App. (< 12 yrs old), Single, Widow

  • marital_status_2012: marital status of the deceased (coding changed in 2012), with levels Divorced, Living Together, Married, Not App. (< 12 yrs old), Separated, Single, Widow

  • insurance: medical institution with which the deceased was affiliated before 2012, with levels IMSS, ISSSTE, None, Other, PEMEX, SEDENA, Seguro Popular, SEMAR

  • insurance_2012: medical institution with which the deceased was affiliated (coding changed in 2012), with levels IMSS, IMSS oportunidades, ISSSTE, None, Other, PEMEX, SEDENA, Seguro Popular, SEMAR

  • during_job: did the death occur while the deceased was performing a job related activity, with levels No Yes

  • place_occur: place where the accident or violent act took place, with levels Commercial Area, Farm Home, Industrial Area, Other, Public Street, Residential Institution, School or Office, Sporting Area

  • site_occur: site where the vital statistic was recorded: with levels Home, IMSS, IMSS Oportunidades, ISSSTE, Other, PEMEX, Private Hospital, Public Street, Secretaria de Salud SEDENA, SEMAR

  • autopsy: was an autopsy performed? With levels No, Yes

  • med_help: did the deceased receive medical help before death occurred? No, Yes

  • certifier: who certified the death, with levels Attending Physician, Civil Authority, Forensic Doctor, Other, Other Doctor, SSA Personnel

  • nationality: nationality of the deceased, with levels Foreigner, Mexican

  • pregnancy_complication: did the cause of death complicate the pregnancy, birth or puerperium No Not App.

  • pregnancy_condition: pregnancy condition, with levels 43 days to 11 months after giving birth Birth No pregnancy for 11 months, Not Applicable, Pregnancy, Pregnancy more than a year before death, Puerperium

  • pregnancy_related: was the death related to pregnancy, birth or puerperium, with levels No Not App.

  • maternal_code: maternal code of death

  • domestic_violence: was domestic violence a factor in the death, with levels No, Not Homicide, Yes

  • urban_rural: urban or rural, with levels Rural Urban

  • indigenous_language: did the deceased speak an indigenous language? 0

  • employed: was the deceased economically active? 0

  • aggressor_relation_code: relationship between the victim and his aggressor (coded)

  • weight: weight of the deceased

  • intent: injury intent of the death, with levels Accident, Homicide, Legal Intervention, Suicide

  • mechanism: External Cause of Injury Mortality Matrix for ICD-10, with levels Adverse effects, All Transport, Cut/pierce, Drowning, Fall, Firearm, Fire/hot object or substance, Machinery, Natural/environmental, Other specified, classifiable, Other specified, nec, Overexertion, Poisoning, Struck by or against, Suffocation,

  • mechanism_detail: External Cause of Injury Mortality Matrix for ICD-10, with levels Adverse effects - Drugs, Adverse effects - Medical care, Cut/pierce, Drowning, Fall, Firearm, Fire/flame, Hot object/substance, Machinery, Motor Vehicle Traffic, Natural/environmental, Other land transport, Other specified, classifiable, Other specified, nec, Other Transport, Overexertion, Pedal cyclist, other, Pedestrian, other, Poisoning, Struck by or against, Suffocation,

  • motor_vehicle_traffic: External Cause of Injury Mortality Matrix for ICD-10, Motor Vehicle Traffic, with levels MVT - Motorcyclist, MVT - Occupant, MVT - Other, MVT - Pedal cyclist, MVT - Pedestrian,

  • intent.imputed: result of a statistical model to classify deaths of unknown intent and recode legal interventions as homicides, with levels Accident, Homicide, Suicide



diegovalle/mxmortalitydb documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 5:28 p.m.