analyticGaussianMechanism | Calculated sigma for analytic Gaussian mechanism |
assignPredictModel | Wrapper to predict model on server site |
aucCI | Calculate CI for AUC |
brierScore | Calculate Brier score |
calcU | Calculate U Matrix for ROC-GLM |
calculateAUC | Calculate AUC from ROC-GLM |
calculateDistrGLMParts | Calculate Parts for Fisher Scoring |
calculateLambda | Transform Response for Probit Fisher-Scoring |
calibrationCurve | Calculate data for calibration curve |
checkTruthProb | Truth and Prediction Checker |
computePlacementValues | Compute Placement Values on Server |
decodeBinary | Deserialize object |
dsBrierScore | Calculate Brier score on DataSHIELD servers |
dsCalibrationCurve | Calculate calibration curve on DataSHIELD servers |
dsL2Sens | Calculate the l2 sensitivity on DataSHIELD servers |
dsProbitRegr | Calculate Probit Regression on Server |
dsROCGLM | Calculate Probit Regression on Server |
encodeObject | Serialize R object |
erf | Calculates the error function used for the analytic Gaussian... |
generateParameterTableDP | Generate all combinations of DP parameters fromt he paper |
getNegativeScores | Return negative scores |
getNegativeScoresVar | Return variance of negative scores |
getPositiveScores | Return positive scores |
getPositiveScoresVar | Return variance of positive scores |
GMVar | Calculate standard deviation for Gaussian Mechanism |
l2sens | Calculate the l2 sensitivity |
plot.calibration.curve | Plot calibration curve |
plotCalibrationCurve | Plot calibration curve |
plot.ROC.GLM | Visualize ROC-GLM |
predictModel | Predict model on server site |
print.ROC.GLM | Printer for ROC-GLM |
probitLikelihood | Calculate Likelihood of Probit Model |
pushObject | Push object to DataSHIELD server |
removeMissings | Remove missing values from data |
rocGLMData | Get Data for ROC-GLM |
rocGLMFrame | Calculate data for ROC-GLM |
seedBoundedToObject | Get a seed depending on an object |
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