Man pages for difuture-lmu/dsROCGLM
ROC and calibration analysis for DataSHIELD

analyticGaussianMechanismCalculated sigma for analytic Gaussian mechanism
assignPredictModelWrapper to predict model on server site
aucCICalculate CI for AUC
brierScoreCalculate Brier score
calcUCalculate U Matrix for ROC-GLM
calculateAUCCalculate AUC from ROC-GLM
calculateDistrGLMPartsCalculate Parts for Fisher Scoring
calculateLambdaTransform Response for Probit Fisher-Scoring
calibrationCurveCalculate data for calibration curve
checkTruthProbTruth and Prediction Checker
computePlacementValuesCompute Placement Values on Server
decodeBinaryDeserialize object
dsBrierScoreCalculate Brier score on DataSHIELD servers
dsCalibrationCurveCalculate calibration curve on DataSHIELD servers
dsL2SensCalculate the l2 sensitivity on DataSHIELD servers
dsProbitRegrCalculate Probit Regression on Server
dsROCGLMCalculate Probit Regression on Server
encodeObjectSerialize R object
erfCalculates the error function used for the analytic Gaussian...
generateParameterTableDPGenerate all combinations of DP parameters fromt he paper
getNegativeScoresReturn negative scores
getNegativeScoresVarReturn variance of negative scores
getPositiveScoresReturn positive scores
getPositiveScoresVarReturn variance of positive scores
GMVarCalculate standard deviation for Gaussian Mechanism
l2sensCalculate the l2 sensitivity
plot.calibration.curvePlot calibration curve
plotCalibrationCurvePlot calibration curve
plot.ROC.GLMVisualize ROC-GLM
predictModelPredict model on server site
print.ROC.GLMPrinter for ROC-GLM
probitLikelihoodCalculate Likelihood of Probit Model
pushObjectPush object to DataSHIELD server
removeMissingsRemove missing values from data
rocGLMDataGet Data for ROC-GLM
rocGLMFrameCalculate data for ROC-GLM
seedBoundedToObjectGet a seed depending on an object
difuture-lmu/dsROCGLM documentation built on March 24, 2024, 1:07 p.m.