traceRy a tracery implementation in R

Tracery is a neat way of generating text from JSON files. I didn't write it but you can find out more here. You can use tracery to make bots with cheapbotsdonequick. I do that a lot, so I thought it would be nice to have something written in R that I can use to check that my bots work (also because I'm goofy and I don't understand javascript).

A quick example

traceRy comes with some properly formatted JSON to help you get started but let's start with something really simple to begin with...

my_json <- '{

   "origin": ["Today I saw a #bird#"],
   "bird": ["mallard", "gannet", "swan", "puffin"]

# write that out to a temporary file
tmp <- tempfile()
writeLines(my_json, tmp)

with this simple story we can generate stuff...

# load traceRy
# load the JSON
jason <- read_tracery(tmp)
# write a story

Okay, well that was cute, but what about something more fancy?

my_json <- '{

   "origin": ["Today I saw a #bird##andsome#"],
   "bird": ["mallard", "gannet", "swan", "puffin"],
   "andsome": ["", " and some #bird.s#"]

tmp <- tempfile()
writeLines(my_json, tmp)
jason <- read_tracery(tmp)


Maybe sometimes we get really excited...

my_json <- '{

   "origin": ["Today I saw a #bird##andsome#"],
   "bird": ["mallard", "gannet", "swan", "puffin"],
   "andsome": ["", " and some #bird.s#", " and some #bird.s.capitalize#"]

tmp <- tempfile()
writeLines(my_json, tmp)
jason <- read_tracery(tmp)


Okay that's probably enough for now...

dill/traceRy documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:53 p.m.