# library(njtPredict)
library(lubridate) #Make sure the latest version is installed to avoid error in rounding dates
opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
               message = FALSE,
               prompt = FALSE,
               warning = FALSE,
               cache = FALSE,
               eval = FALSE)



This data was obtained directly from NJT and contains ~5 years of departure & arrival times for NJT trains.

Binary Delay (10 Minutes or More)

delay_thresh = 10

njt_features <- njt_trains %>% 
  filter(Line != "ACES_AC_EXPRE") %>% 
  mutate(delay_length = as.numeric(difftime(Scheduled_End_Time,Actual_End_Time, units = "mins")),
         #Ignore early arrivals
         delay_length = ifelse(delay_length < 0, 0, delay_length), 
         # NA's are likely cancellations, consider them as part of delays
         is_delayed = delay_length >= delay_thresh |,
         Line = gsub(" " , "_", Line)) %>% 
#Add features based on date/time
njt_features <- njt_features %>% 
  mutate(round_time = round_date(Scheduled_Start_Time, unit = "hour"), # Used as key to match to weather
         dep_hour = hour(round_time),
         dep_mon = month(round_time, label = TRUE),
         dep_wday = wday(round_time, label = TRUE))
getLastDelay <- function(df, group = "Line"){
  #Set Max Time to prevent NA's and the very far delays  
  max_delay <- 24 * 60 #24 Hours
  #Great solution adapted from
  df <- df[order(df$Scheduled_Start_Time, decreasing = FALSE),]
  last_event_index <- cumsum(df$is_delayed) + 1

  # shift it by one to the right
  last_event_index <- c(1, last_event_index[1:length(last_event_index) - 1])

  # get the dates of the events and index the vector with the last_event_index, 
  # added an NA as the first date because there was no event
  last_event_date <- c(as.POSIXct(NA), df[which(df$is_delayed), "Scheduled_Start_Time"])[last_event_index]

  # substract the event's date with the date of the last event

  last_delay <- difftime(df$Scheduled_Start_Time, last_event_date, units = "mins")
  last_delay_fixed <- pmin(last_delay, max_delay)
  last_delay_fixed[] <- max_delay

  df[,paste0("ttl_",group)] <- last_delay_fixed

njt_features <- njt_features %>% 
  group_by(Line) %>% do(getLastDelay(. ,group = "line")) %>% #Delay length on line
  group_by(Line, Scheduled_Departure_Terminal) %>% do(getLastDelay(., group = "dep_line")) %>% #Delay length considering departure station
  group_by(Line, Scheduled_Departure_Terminal, Actual_Arrival_Terminal) %>% do(getLastDelay(., group = "dep_arv_line")) %>% 
group_by(Line, Actual_Arrival_Terminal) %>% do(getLastDelay(., group = "arv_line"))#Delay length only arrival station 
weather_hourly_newark <- filter(weather_hourly, WBAN == 14734) %>% 
  mutate(round_time = round_date(Time,unit = "hour")) %>% 
  select(round_time, Visibility, Temp_F = DryBulbFarenheit, Temp_C = DryBulbCelsius, WindSpeed, HourlyPrecip) %>% 
  mutate(Visibility = as.numeric(Visibility),
         Temp_F = as.numeric(Temp_F),
         Temp_C = as.numeric(Temp_C),
         WindSpeed = as.numeric(WindSpeed),
         HourlyPrecip = as.numeric(HourlyPrecip)) %>% 
  group_by(round_time) %>% 
  slice(1) #Take only the first entry when more than one entry exists per hour

# Clean up weather data
weather_hourly_newark[,-1] <- apply(weather_daily_newark[,-1],2, function(f){
  f[f == "M"] <- NA
  f[f == "  T"] <- 0 #Trace can be considered at 0
njt_features <- inner_join(njt_features, weather_hourly_newark, by = "round_time")
# Clean up reasons
reason_types <- njt_features  %>% 
  filter(Delay_Reason != "") %>%
  count(Delay_Reason) %>%
  select(Delay_Reason) %>% 
  mutate(reason_entity = gsub("\\.","", word(Delay_Reason,1)),
         reason_type = word(Delay_Reason,start = 2, end = -1))
njt_features <- left_join(njt_features, reason_types, by = "Delay_Reason")

# Fix NA for use in completecases later
njt_features <- njt_features %>% 
  mutate(reason_entity = ifelse(,"",reason_entity),
         reason_type = ifelse(,"",reason_type))
devtools::use_data(njt_features, overwrite = TRUE)

Daily Features

To predict number of delays (greater than 10 minutes) per day.

njt_featdaily <- njt_features %>% 
  group_by(Run_Date, Line) %>% 
  summarise(number_delays = sum(is_delayed)) %>% 
  mutate(dep_mon = month(Run_Date, label = TRUE),
         dep_wday = wday(Run_Date, label = TRUE))
weather_daily_newark <- filter(weather_daily, WBAN == 14734)
weather_daily_newark <- weather_daily_newark %>% 
  select(Run_Date = YearMonthDay,
         Tmax, Tmin, Tavg, PrecipTotal, SnowFall, WindSpeed = Max5Speed)
weather_daily_newark[,-1] <- apply(weather_daily_newark[,-1],2, function(f){
  f[f == "M"] <- NA
  f[f == "  T"] <- 0
# weather_daily_newark <- weather_daily_newark[complete.cases(weather_daily_newark),] #Toss NA's
weather_daily_newark <- weather_daily_newark %>% group_by(Run_Date) %>% 
  slice(1) #Take only the first entry when more than one entry exists per hour
njt_featdaily <- njt_featdaily %>% inner_join(weather_daily_newark, by = "Run_Date" )

Additional Features to Consider

dimagor/railActive documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:44 a.m.