Man pages for dipterix/rutabaga
Simple R Tools for Analysis and Visualizations

add_pointsSame As Points, But Can Be Jittered (maturing)
as_pdfpdf wrapper that evaluates an arbitrary expression.
as_titleMake nice plot titles
cbind_listMake cbind magrittr compatible (stable)
clip_xEnsure Data Are Within Some Bounds (stable)
create_framesadd decoration (frames) to plots based on their layout...
dir_signatureCreate directory signature
do_ifClauses With Side Effects (Plotting Etc) (questioning)
do_polyPolygon plot
ebar_polygonDraw Symmetric Error Bars (stable)
ebarsDraw Symmetric Error Bars
fix_pdf_nameEnsure that the file names ends in ".pdf"
F_NOOPApply function to input but returns input itself
format_stathelper function to build value labels
getAlphaRGBGet Hex Color With Transparency
get_data_rangeGet Data Range From A Collection Of Named Lists (questioning)
get_filenameGet the file name from a full file path
get_list_elementsGet Elements/Slot/Attributes From List (stable)
grapes-and-grapesPipe Function To Paste Two Characters
is_withinCheck if a is within the range of b (stable)
jitrReturn Jittered X (experimental)
lm-statisticsGet statistics from linear model
mean-sdFunction To Return Mean And Standard Deviation (Na Ignored by...
mean-seFunction To Return Mean And Standard Error (stable)
NOOPApply expression but returns something else
not_NAReturn True If Not Na (stable)
not_nullReturn True If Not Null (stable)
plot_cleanCreate A Blank Plot With Given X And Y Range (stable)
plot_msgShow A Blank Plot With Messages (maturing)
plus_minusEasy Way To Get +/- From A Long Vector
pmEasy Way To Get +/- From A Long Vector (deprecated)
print_summaryPrint summary and return original input
psclEnforce Sum To 1, Ignoring Na In The Sum, But Keeping Them In...
rave_barplotBarplot Function That Uses All The Rave Sizes And Colors...
rbind_listMake rbind magrittr compatible (stable)
remove_tailRemove the last k elements from a vector (list) Returns x...
round_rangeGet A Integer Interval That Contains X (maturing)
row_apply_iiApply function along the first dimension
row_scalehelper to do row scaling
ruta_axisA Neat Way To Show Axis (stable)
sapply_iiApply each elements with index as inputs
scale_010-1 Scale The Data So We Can Manage The Plot Ranges Easily...
str_collapseConvert vector into comma-separated string
stretchUseful For Plotting When You Want To Go A Bit Beyond The Data...
to_pdfFunction for repeatedly writing plots to PDFs
trimTrim Data By Standard Error (stable)
trimmed.meanMean Of Data After Trimmed (questioning)
trimmed.mseSd Of Data After Trimmed (questioning)
t-test-statisticshelper function for t-tests that returns the values wanted by...
which.equallike which.min, but for equality useful when an expression...
dipterix/rutabaga documentation built on June 25, 2022, 2:38 p.m.