
#' Get the HXL schema of an HXL tibble
#' @param x an HXL tibble
#' @return a tibble data_frame of the schema
#' @export
hxl_schema <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "schema")

#' Get the HXL schema of an HXL tibble as character
#' @param x an HXL tibble
#' @return a character in the same order as the columns
#' @export
hxl_schema_chr <- function(x) {
  schema_df_to_str(ncol(x), attr(x, "schema"))

#' Check if an object is an HXL tibble
#' @param x an object to test
#' @return true iff x is an HXL tibble
#' @export
is.hxl <- function(x) {
  "tbl_hxl" %in% class(x)

#' @export
#' @inheritParams  is.hxl
#' @rdname is.hxl
is_hxl <- is.hxl

#' Validate a HXL tbl against a schema pattern
#' Currently does strict matching ignoring whitespaces.
#' @param x an HXL tibble
#' @param schema_pattern a character vector
#' @return TRUE if the schema pattern is part of the schema
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' some_dataset <- as_hxl(x)
#' validate(some_dataset, c("#adm1", "#adm2 +code"))
#' }
#' @export
hxl_validate <- function(x, schema_pattern) {
  clean_pattern <- function(pattern) {
  cleaned_pattern <- clean_pattern(schema_pattern)
  all(cleaned_pattern %in% clean_pattern(hxl_schema_chr(x)))

#' Select a subset of columns by tags/attributes
#' @param hxl an HXL table
#' @param tag_pattern a character vector of HXL tag patterns
#' It warns if a tag matches more columns.
#' @return a data.frame in the order of the tags
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hxl_select(hxl_data, "#loc +airport -name")
#' hxl_select(hxl_data, c("#loc +airport", "#meta +url +airport"))
#' }
#' @export
hxl_select <- function(hxl, tag_pattern) {
  stopifnot(length(tag_pattern) >= 1 && is.character(tag_pattern))
  hxl_schema <- hxl_schema(hxl)
  col_idxes <- unique(unlist(lapply(tag_pattern, function(x) {
    stopifnot(!is.na(x) && is_valid_tag(x))
    ptag <- parse_tag(x)
    f_schema <- dplyr::group_by(hxl_schema[hxl_schema$tag == ptag$tag, ],
    if (!all(is.na(ptag$attributes))) {
      f_schema <- dplyr::filter(f_schema, all((!!ptag$attributes) %in% attribute))
    if (!all(is.na(ptag$excluded_attributes))) {
      f_schema <- dplyr::filter(f_schema,
                                 all(! (!!ptag$excluded_attributes) %in% attribute))
  stopifnot(all(col_idxes >= 1) && all(col_idxes <= ncol(hxl)))
  if (length(tag_pattern) < length(col_idxes)) {
    warning("Tags matched multiple columns.", call. = FALSE)
  row_selector <- seq_len(nrow(hxl))
  if (length(tag_pattern) > length(col_idxes)) {
    warning("Some tags did not match any columns", call. = FALSE)
    row_selector <- integer()
  new_hxl_tbl(hxl[row_selector, col_idxes],
dirkschumacher/rhxl documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:49 a.m.