appreciate: Appreciate your package dependencies

Description Usage Details Value References


This function is meant to be used when developing a package. It extracts all package dependencies from the DESCRIPTION file in your working directory and checks if you have starred it on github (if those packages are hosted on github).




Still under development. Api and names can change.

The function assumes that you have set an environment variable (either GITHUB_PAT or GITHUB_TOKEN) with a Github Access Token.

When using this function together with shoulders please note that once run for the first time additional packages are attached to your session.

Also take a look at the API documentation <> of Github and their terms of use before using this function.


Always returns an invisible data.frame with three columns "username", "repository" and "starred". Also outputs that information to the console.


Inspired by <>

dirkschumacher/thankr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:50 a.m.