
Submit jobs to a grid engine easily using submitr. Right now we only allow submitting jobs to a local LSF. Future versions will allow remote access, job retrieval, etc. submitr is designed to submit jobs from a jupyter notebook using the IRkernel.


First load the package:


Then prepare your job like this:

# this is the path to your rscript
file <- "/the/rscript/iwannt/to/submit.R"
# these are the arguments for the job scheduler
gargs <- c("-W4:30", "-M10000", "-n8")
# these are the arguments for your R script
sargs <- c("my.input.file", "file.out")
submit(job=file, gargs=gargs, sargs=sargs)

That's all so far.

dirmeier/submitr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:51 a.m.