
NOTE Deprecated by

NOTE This is a placeholder for some future development.

This package contains a stripped down version of an access system for a file repository of time-series gridded data. There is one basic read function, with a hardcoded data object (catalog) of files that are available.

This is only for use with the relevant files being available locally, this can be set in R with

options(default.datadir = "/path/to/data")

TO INSTALL - git clone this repo - install package raster and dependencies sp (also rgdal, but this will be changed in future to Suggests) - in R generate the documentation with library(roxygen2); roxygenize("repomania") - R CMD build repomania - R CMD INSTALL repomania_[major.minor-patch].tar.gz - ensure global option "default.datadir" to point to a sensible place


options(default.datadir = "/path/to/gridded/data")


x <- readice(catalog$date[c(1, 3, 5)])


Ensure overwrite argument is captured and dealt with correctly for gri/grd case. Generalize the read function, needs to handle - different products, product options - single time per file - multi-time per file - multi-attributes per file / band - update raster#character cascade order to avoid rgdal load by raster("nt_19781026_n07_v01_s.bin")

Ensure \dots is always passed to brick() so we can use filename for easy out-of-memory handling - need to make each data source native to raster (or similar) so that stack() can take a list of file names, or no-cost version, currently available for NSIDC and possibly OISST but not much else

Method for extract#function,data.frame has to work for no-time-dimension

dis-organization/repomania documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:51 a.m.