Man pages for disarm-platform/DiSARM
A collection of spatial analysis functions related to the DiSARM project at UCSF

adaptive_sample_autoSpatially adaptive sampling. Idnentical to adaptive.sample...
aggregate_points_space_timeThe aggregate_points_space_time function
choose_batchAdaptively select locations to sample based on uncertainty...
choose_batch_simpleFunction to take a spatially disaggregated sample weighted by...
cv_mlFunction to fit a 10 fold cross validated ML model. Currently...
dist_to_sf_rasterFunction create raster of distance to an sf/sp object.
fit_hal_parallelHelper function to fit a highly adaptive lasso to a fold as...
fit_rf_parallelHelper function to fit a random forest to a fold as part of...
folds_list_to_df_listHelper function to convert a list of folds to list of dfs
gam_posterior_metricsFunction to return metrics from posterior of (binomial) GAM...
get_int_points_exposure_weightsThe get_int_points_exposure_weights function
optimal_rangeFinds optimal range parameter for GP GAM
prevalence_predictor_mgcvFunction to predict prevalence excedance probabilities at...
prevalence_predictor_mgcv_stFunction to predict prevalence excedance probabilities at...
prevalence_predictor_spamm_stFunction to fit spatio (and spatio-temporal) model and...
quick_mapFunction to make quick leaflet maps of spatial data
space_time_ppmifyThe space_time_ppmify function
spamm_posterior_metricsFunction to return metrics from posterior of (binomial) spaMM...
spatial_sample_plus_close_pairsTake a spatially dispersed sample from a set of 2D points,...
disarm-platform/DiSARM documentation built on March 4, 2020, 3:49 p.m.