Man pages for djnavarro/refinery
Reproducibility Tools For Distill Sites

article_namedLocate articles matching a pattern
insert_appendixInserts the default refinery appendix
insert_lockfileInserts a link to the lock file
insert_netlify_redirectSetup redirections for netlify deployment
insert_sourceInserts a link to the source code
insert_timestampRecords a time stamp to the R markdown output
renv_deleteDelete the renv set up associated with a post
renv_loadLoad the renv library
renv_newCreate a minimal R environment for a post
renv_restoreRestore the renv project
renv_snapshotCreate a snapshot of the R environment for the post
use_article_templateCreate new article from existing template
djnavarro/refinery documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 12:05 a.m.