Man pages for dkahle/TITAN2
Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis

boot.titanControls the allocation of bootstrap replicates
env.partPartitions environmental gradient for analysis
getivzPerforms calculation of IndVal z scores from observed and...
glades.envglades.env title
glades.taxaglades.taxa title
glades.titanglades.titan title
indvalIndVal scores based on relative abundance across, and...
indvalpCalculate permuted IndVal scores using a group matrix
ivzsumsSum IndVal z scores across taxa
obs.summSummarizes results from TITAN's analaysis of observed data
permivPermutation of group membership for a single candidate...
plot-cpsPlots probability densities of empirical distributions of...
plot-sumzPlots the pattern of community change along an environmental...
plot_sumz_densityPlot community level change
plot-taxaPlots taxon-specific change points
plot_taxa_ridgesTaxon change point ridge plots
smallBigBootSummarizes raw output from TITAN's bootstrap procedure
sumz.tabSummarizes the results of the community-level sum(z) analysis
tbootCalculate bootstrapped IndVal z scores
titanPerform a threshold indicator taxa analysis
TITAN2Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis
txa.screenScreening of site by taxa matrix
dkahle/TITAN2 documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 2:49 p.m.