R implementation of BLUP|GA genomic prediction.


Can be installed directly from github with Bioconductor install manager. Package 'cpgen' needs to be installed first.


citing this package

Kainer, D., Stone, E. A., Padovan, A., Foley, W. J., & Külheim, C. (2018). Accuracy of Genomic Prediction for Foliar Terpene Traits in Eucalyptus polybractea. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 8(8), 2573-2583.

what is BLUP|GA?

BLUP|GA means Best Linear Unbiased Prediction given Genetic Architecture. It is a genomic prediction model that is basically a weighted version of GBLUP. The original BLUP|GA publication can be found here:

Accuracy of Whole-Genome Prediction Using a Genetic Architecture-Enhanced Variance-Covariance Matrix Zhang et al (2015) []

In a nutshell, GBLUP uses a genomic relationship matrix (GRM) to describe the covariance between individuals in the study population. All SNPs used in calculating the GRM are treated the same as each other. With BLUP|GA the calculation of the GRM is done with two separate sub-GRMs:

A further weighting factor (w) is applied to S so that the genetic architecture SNPs can be given more or less importance relative to the background SNPs in G. The S and G matrices are then recombined into the final GRM (called the T-matrix):

T = w(S) + (1-w)(G)

the effect of w

w ranges from 0 to 1. - When w=0 the selected SNPs in the S matrix are given no overall weight and the model is simply GBLUP - When w=1 the selected SNPs in the S matrix are given full weight and the background SNPs are ignored.

Using this R package

The basic method is blupga_EFF().

To run BLUP|GA you need: - a genotype matrix (in -1,0,1} format. - a phenotype data frame with the first column containing your sample IDs.. - a vector of SNP effects the same length as the number of SNPs in the genotype matrix. you can generate these with est_SNPeffects() or bring your own from other methods

The method blupga_EFF() lets you specify what percent of your SNPs you want to be used in the S matrix. e.g. the top 1% of SNPs when ranked by squared effect size.

dkainer/BLUPGA documentation built on Jan. 3, 2020, 1:09 a.m.