Man pages for dkesada/PSOHO
Particle Swarm Optimization Higher-Order Dynamic Bayesian Network Structure Learning

CauslistR6 class that defines causal lists in the PSO
cl_to_arc_matrix_cppCreate a matrix with the arcs defined in a causlist object
create_causlist_cppCreate a causal list from a DBN. This is the C++ backend of...
cte_times_vel_cppMultiply a Velocity by a constant real number
initialize_cl_cppCreate a causality list and initialize it
init_list_cppInitialize the particles
learn_dbn_structure_psoLearn a DBN structure with a PSO approach
ParticleR6 class that defines a Particle in the PSO algorithm
PositionR6 class that defines DBNs as causality lists
pos_minus_pos_cppSubstracts two Positions to obtain the Velocity that...
pos_plus_vel_cppAdd a velocity to a position
PsoCtrlR6 class that defines the PSO controller
randomize_vl_cppRandomize a velocity with the given probabilities
rename_nodes_cppReturn a list of nodes with the time slice appended up to the...
VelocityR6 class that defines velocities affecting causality lists in...
vel_plus_vel_cppAdd two Velocities
dkesada/PSOHO documentation built on Dec. 7, 2020, 11:35 p.m.