
ClimateUtils: exploring, transforming, and plotting climate data

How to downloading and install

install_github("climate-utils", "dlebauer")  ## takes a while, lots of data

Example downloading RH and T, then calculating and plotting VPD

Here is an example of using the ClimateUtils package to calculate amd map summer VPD (vapor pressure deficit) in the midwest US.

The steps are:

run get.ncep.vpd

This function is a wrapper for the NCEP.gather function (from the RNCEP package). It combines the following steps:

  1. downloads relative humidity and temperature from NCEP
  2. calculates VPD using the and get.vpd functions

These functions use the following equations:

See ?get.ncep.vpd, ?, and ?get.vpd for details. (source code for calculating es and vpd are in the R/utils.R file)

Plot VPD


## Download RH, T from NCEP and calculate VPD
midwest.vpd <- get.ncep.vpd(lat = c(40, 45), lon = c(-90, -82), years = c(2010, 
    2012), months = c(6, 8))
## [1] Units of variable 'air.sig995' are degK
## [1] Units of variable 'rhum.sig995' are %
states <- map_data("state", region = c("michigan", "wisconsin", "illinois", 
    "indiana", "ohio", "pennsylvania", "new york", "iowa", "missouri", "kentucky", 
    "west virginia"))

## Plot it
ggplot() + geom_raster(data = midwest.vpd, aes(longitude - 360, latitude, fill = VPD)) + 
    geom_polygon(data = states, aes(long, lat, group = group), color = "grey20", 
        alpha = 0) + theme_bw()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4


VanLoocke et al 2012 A regional comparison of water use efficiency for miscanthus, switchgrass and maize

Hartmann, D. Global Physical Climatology. Academic Press

dlebauer/climate-utils documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:13 a.m.