The goal of polite
is to promote responsible web etiquette.
“bow and scrape” (verb):
1) To make a deep bow with the right leg drawn back (thus scraping the floor), left hand pressed across the abdomen, right arm held aside.
2) (idiomatic, by extension) To behave in a servile, obsequious, or excessively polite manner. [1] Source: Wiktionary, The free dictionary
The package’s two main functions bow
and scrape
define and realize a
web harvesting session. bow
is used to introduce the client to the
host and ask for permission to scrape (by inquiring against the host’s
file), while scrape
is the main function for retrieving
data from the remote server. Once the connection is established, there’s
no need to bow
again. Rather, in order to adjust a scraping URL the
user can simply nod
to the new path, which updates the session’s URL,
making sure that the new location can be negotiated against
The three pillars of a polite session
are seeking permission, taking
slowly and never asking twice.
The package builds on awesome toolkits for defining and managing http
sessions (httr
and rvest
), declaring the user agent string and
investigating site policies (robotstxt
), and utilizing rate-limiting
and response caching (ratelimitr
and memoise
You can install polite
from CRAN with:
Development version of the package can be installed from Github with:
This is a basic example which shows how to retrieve the list of
semi-soft cheeses from Here, we authenticate a session
and then scrape the page with specified parameters. Behind the scenes
retrieves robots.txt
, checks the URL and user agent string
against it, caches the call to robots.txt
and to the web page and
enforces rate limiting.
session <- bow("", force = TRUE)
result <- scrape(session, query=list(t="semi-soft", per_page=100)) %>%
html_node("#main-body") %>%
html_nodes("h3") %>%
#> [1] "3-Cheese Italian Blend" "Abbaye de Citeaux"
#> [3] "Abbaye du Mont des Cats" "Adelost"
#> [5] "ADL Brick Cheese" "Ailsa Craig"
You can build your own functions that incorporate bow
, scrape
if required, nod
). Here we will extend our inquiry into cheeses and
will download all cheese names and URLs to their information pages.
Let’s retrieve the number of pages per letter in the alphabetical list,
keeping the number of results per page to 100 to minimize number of web
session <- bow("")
# this is only to illustrate the example.
letters <- letters[1:3] # delete this line to scrape all letters
responses <- map(letters, ~scrape(session, query = list(per_page=100,i=.x)) )
results <- map(responses, ~html_nodes(.x, "#id_page li") %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE) %>%
as.numeric() %>%
tail(1) ) %>%
map(~pluck(.x, 1, .default=1))
pages_df <- tibble(letter =, times=unlist(results)),
pages = unlist(map(results,, to=.x))))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> letter pages
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 a 1
#> 2 b 1
#> 3 b 2
#> 4 c 1
#> 5 c 2
#> 6 c 3
Now that we know how many pages to retrieve from each letter page, let’s
rotate over letter pages and retrieve cheese names and underlying links
to cheese details. We will need to write a helper function. Our session
is still valid and we don’t need to nod
again, because we will not be
modifying a page URL, only its parameters (note that the field url
missing from scrape
get_cheese_page <- function(letter, pages){
lnks <- scrape(session, query=list(per_page=100,i=letter,page=pages)) %>%
html_nodes("h3 a")
tibble(name=lnks %>% html_text(),
link=lnks %>% html_attr("href"))
df <- pages_df %>% pmap_df(get_cheese_page)
#> # A tibble: 518 × 2
#> name link
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Abbaye de Belloc /abbaye-de-belloc/
#> 2 Abbaye de Belval /abbaye-de-belval/
#> 3 Abbaye de Citeaux /abbaye-de-citeaux/
#> 4 Abbaye de Tamié /tamie/
#> 5 Abbaye de Timadeuc /abbaye-de-timadeuc/
#> 6 Abbaye du Mont des Cats /abbaye-du-mont-des-cats/
#> 7 Abbot’s Gold /abbots-gold/
#> 8 Abertam /abertam/
#> 9 Abondance /abondance/
#> 10 Acapella /acapella/
#> # … with 508 more rows
Bob Rudis is one the vocal proponents of an online etiquette in the R
community. If you have never seen his robots.txt file, you should
definitely check it out! Lets look at his
blog. We don’t know how many pages will the gallery
return, so we keep going until there’s no more “Older posts” button.
Note that I first bow
to the host and then simply nod
to the current
scraping page inside the while
hrbrmstr_posts <- data.frame()
url <- ""
session <- bow(url)
# make it verbose
message("Scraping ", url)
# nod and scrape
current_page <- nod(session, url) %>%
# extract post titles
hrbrmstr_posts <- current_page %>%
html_nodes(".entry-title a") %>%
polite::html_attrs_dfr() %>%
# see if there's "Older posts" button
url <- current_page %>%
html_node(".nav-previous a") %>%
} # end while loop
#> # A tibble: 578 x3
We organize the data into the tidy format and append it to our empty data frame. At the end we will discover that Bob has written over 570 blog articles, which I very much recommend anyone to check out.
If you are developing a package which accesses the web, polite
can be
used either as a template, or as a backend for your polite web
Just before its ascension to CRAN, the package acquired new
functionality for helping package developers get started on creating
polite web tools for the users. Any modern package developer is probably
familiar with excellent usethis
package by Rstudio team. usethis
a collection of scripts for automating package development workflow.
Many usethis
functions automating repetitive tasks start with prefix
indicating that what followed will be adopted and “used” by the
package user developes. For details about use_
family of functions,
see package
has one usethis-like function called polite::use_manners()
When called within the analysis (or package) directory, it creates a new
file called R/polite-scrape.R
(creating R
directory if necessary)
and populates it with template functions for creating polite
web-scraping session. The functions provided by polite::use_manners()
are drop-in replacements for two of the most popular tools in
web-accessing R ecosystem: read_html()
and download.file()
. The only
difference is that these functions have polite_
prefix. In all other
respects they should have look and feel of the original, i.e. in most
cases you should be able to simply replace calls to read_html()
and download.file
with polite_download_file()
and your code should work (provided you scrape from a url
, which it
the first required argument in both functions).
Recent addition to polite package is a
adverb politely()
which can make any web-accessing function “polite”
by wrapping it with a code which delivers on four pillars of polite
Introduce Yourself, Seek Permission, Take Slowly and Never Ask Twice.
Adverbs can be useful, when a user (package developer) wants to
“delegate” polite session handling to external package, without
modifying the existing code. The only thing user needs to do is wrap
existing verb with politely()
and use the new function instead of the
Let’s say you wanted to use httr::GET
for accessing certain API, such
as musicbrainz
and extract certain data from a deeply nested list,
returned by the server. Your originally developed code looks like this:
#> Attaching package: 'magrittr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
#> set_names
beatles_res <- GET("",
query=list(query="Beatles", limit=10),
if(!is.null(beatles_res)) beatles_lst <- httr::content(beatles_res, type = "application/json")
str(beatles_lst, max.level = 2)
#> List of 4
#> $ created: chr "2022-08-03T01:25:54.433Z"
#> $ count : int 169
#> $ offset : int 0
#> $ artists:List of 10
#> ..$ :List of 12
#> ..$ :List of 12
#> ..$ :List of 10
#> ..$ :List of 7
#> ..$ :List of 8
#> ..$ :List of 6
#> ..$ :List of 9
#> ..$ :List of 5
#> ..$ :List of 6
#> ..$ :List of 6
This code does not comply with polite
principles. It does not provide
human-readable user-agent string, it does not consult robots.txt
permissions. It is possible to run this code in the loop and
(accidentally) overwhelm the server with requests. It does not cache the
results, so if this code is re-run again, data will be re-queried.
You could write your own infastructure for handling useragent,
robots.txt, rate limiting and memoisation, or you could simply use an
adverb politely()
which does all of these things for you.
Here’s an example from using API. We will need a couple of service functions to convert colors between HEX and RGB and to prepare a json required by the service.
rgba2hex <- function(r,g,b,a) {grDevices::rgb(r, g, b, a, maxColorValue = 255)}
hex2rgba <- function(x, alpha=TRUE){t(grDevices::col2rgb(x, alpha = alpha))}
prepare_colormind_query <- function(x, model){
lst <- list(model=model)
x <- utils::head(c(x, rep(NA_character_, times=4)), 5) # pad it with NAs
x_mat <- hex2rgba(x)
x_lst <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x_mat)), function(i) if(x_mat[i,4]==0) "N" else x_mat[i,1:3])
lst <- c(list(input=x_lst), lst)
jsonlite::toJSON(lst, auto_unbox = TRUE)
Now all we have to do is to “wrap” existing function in the politely
adverb. Then call the new function insted of original. You dont need to
change anything other than a function name.
polite_GET <- politely(httr::GET, verbose=TRUE)
#res <- httr::GET("") # was
res <- polite_GET("") # now
#> Fetching robots.txt
#> rt_robotstxt_http_getter: normal http get
#> Warning in request_handler_handler(request = request, handler = on_not_found, :
#> Event: on_not_found
#> Warning in request_handler_handler(request = request, handler =
#> on_file_type_mismatch, : Event: on_file_type_mismatch
#> Warning in request_handler_handler(request = request, handler =
#> on_suspect_content, : Event: on_suspect_content
#> New copy robots.txt was fetched from
#> Total of 0 crawl delay rule(s) defined for this host.
#> Your rate will be set to 1 request every 5 second(s).
#> Pausing...
#> Scraping:
#> Setting useragent: polite R (4.2.1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu x86_64 linux-gnu) bot
jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(res, as = "text"))$result
#> [1] "ui" "default" "the_wind_rises"
#> [4] "lego_movie" "stellar_photography" "game_of_thrones"
The backend functionality of polite
can be used for any function as
long as it has url
argument (or the first argument is a url). Here’s
an example of polite POST created with adverb politely
polite_POST <- politely(POST, verbose=TRUE)
clue_colors <-c(NA, "lightseagreen", NA, "coral", NA)
req <- prepare_colormind_query(clue_colors, "default")
#res <- httr::POST(url='', body = req) #was
res <- polite_POST(url='', body = req) #now
#> Fetching robots.txt
#> rt_robotstxt_http_getter: cached http get
#> Warning in request_handler_handler(request = request, handler = on_not_found, :
#> Event: on_not_found
#> Warning in request_handler_handler(request = request, handler =
#> on_file_type_mismatch, : Event: on_file_type_mismatch
#> Warning in request_handler_handler(request = request, handler =
#> on_suspect_content, : Event: on_suspect_content
#> Found the cached version of robots.txt for
#> Total of 0 crawl delay rule(s) defined for this host.
#> Your rate will be set to 1 request every 5 second(s).
#> Pausing...
#> Scraping:
#> Setting useragent: polite R (4.2.1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu x86_64 linux-gnu) bot
res_json <- httr::content(res, as = "text")
res_mcol <- jsonlite::fromJSON(res_json)$result
colrs <- rgba2hex(res_mcol)
scales::show_col(colrs, ncol = 5)
Musicbrainz API allows
querying data on artists, releases, labels and all things music. API
endpoint, unfortunately, is Disallowed in robots.txt
, but it is
completely legal to access for small size requests. Mass querying is
easier using a datadump, with musicbrainz published periodically. We can
create polite GET and turn off robots.txt
polite_GET_nrt <- politely(GET, verbose=TRUE, robots = FALSE) # turn off robotstxt checking
beatles_lst <- polite_GET_nrt("",
query=list(query="Beatles", limit=10),
httr::accept("application/json")) %>%
httr::content(type = "application/json")
#> Pausing...
#> Scraping:
#> Setting useragent: polite R (4.2.1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu x86_64 linux-gnu) bot
str(beatles_lst, max.level = 2)
#> List of 4
#> $ created: chr "2022-08-03T01:25:54.433Z"
#> $ count : int 169
#> $ offset : int 0
#> $ artists:List of 10
#> ..$ :List of 12
#> ..$ :List of 12
#> ..$ :List of 10
#> ..$ :List of 7
#> ..$ :List of 8
#> ..$ :List of 6
#> ..$ :List of 9
#> ..$ :List of 5
#> ..$ :List of 6
#> ..$ :List of 6
Lets parse the response
options(knitr.kable.NA = '')
beatles_lst %>%
extract2("artists") %>%
{tibble::tibble(id=map_chr(.,"id", .default=NA_character_),
match_pct=map_int(.,"score", .default=NA_character_),
type=map_chr(.,"type", .default=NA_character_),
name=map_chr(., "name", .default=NA_character_),
country=map_chr(., "country", .default=NA_character_),
lifespan_begin=map_chr(., c("life-span", "begin"),.default=NA_character_),
lifespan_end=map_chr(., c("life-span", "end"),.default=NA_character_)
} %>% knitr::kable(col.names = c(id="Musicbrainz ID", match_pct="Match, %",
type="Type", name="Name of artist",
country="Country", lifespan_begin="Career begun",
lifespan_end="Career ended"))
| Musicbrainz ID | Match, % | Type | Name of artist | Country | Career begun | Career ended | |:-------------------------------------|---------:|:------|:---------------------|:--------|:-------------|:-------------| | b10bbbfc-cf9e-42e0-be17-e2c3e1d2600d | 100 | Group | The Beatles | | 1957-03 | 1970-04-10 | | 5e685f9e-83bb-423c-acfa-487e34f15ffd | 78 | Group | The Tape-beatles | US | 1986-12 | | | 1019b551-eba7-4e7c-bc7d-eb427ef54df2 | 75 | Group | Blues Beatles | BR | | | | 5a45e8c5-e8e5-4f05-9429-6dd00f0ab50b | 75 | Group | Instrumental Beatles | | | | | e897e5fc-2707-49c8-8605-be82b4664dc5 | 74 | Group | Sex Beatles | | | | | 74e70126-def2-4b76-a001-ed3b96080e24 | 74 | | Powdered Beatles | | | | | bc569a61-dd62-4758-86c6-e99dcb1fdda6 | 74 | | Tokyo Beatles | JP | | | | 3133aeb8-9982-4e11-a8ff-5477996a80bf | 74 | | Beatles Chillout | | | | | 5d25dbfb-7558-45dc-83dd-6d1176090974 | 74 | | Daft Beatles | | | | | bdf09e36-2b82-44ef-8402-35c1250d81e0 | 74 | | Zyklon Beatles | | | |
Package logo uses elements of a free image by
[1] Wiktionary (2018), The free dictionary, retrieved from
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