Man pages for domingoscardoso/catGenes
Concatenating multiple DNA alignments and other phylogenetic features

abbrevGenAbbreviate genus name
alignSeqsAutomated multiple sequence alignment
BrongniartiaDNA alignments of the papilionid legume genus Brongniartia
catfullGenesCompares gene datasets for combined phylogenetic analysis
catGenes-packageTools for combining individual DNA alignments for multigene...
catmultGenesCompares gene datasets for combined phylogenetic analysis...
convertAlignConvert any format of DNA alignment into another format
CryptocaryaDNA alignments of the genus Cryptocarya (Lauraceae)
dropSeqRemoves duplicated accessions of the same species in DNA...
fastadframeWrites a FASTA-formatted DNA dataset from a...
GayaDNA alignments of the genus Gaya (Malvaceae)
GenBank_accessionsDataframe with GenBank accessions numbers
Harpalyce_bayes_treeBayesian tree of the papilionoid legume genus Harpalyce
Harpalyce_parsimony_treeParsimony tree of the papilionoid legume genus Harpalyce
Harpalyce_raxml_treeRAxML tree of the papilionoid legume genus Harpalyce
LuetzelburgiaDNA alignments of the legume genus Luetzelburgia
mineMitochondrionRead and download targeted loci from mitochondrial genomes in...
minePlastomeRead and download targeted loci from plastome sequences in...
mineSeqRead and download DNA sequences from GenBank
nexusdframeWrites a NEXUS-formatted DNA alignment from a...
OrmosiaDNA alignments of the pantropical legume genus Ormosia
phylipdframeWrites a PHYLIP-formatted DNA alignment from a...
plotPhyloPlot ggtree-based phylogenetic tree
run_catGenesRun _catGenes_ under a Shiny Application
splitTipsParse tip labels into a dataframe with multiple columns for...
VataireoidsDNA alignments of the Vataireoid legumes
VochysiaceaePlastome dataset of Vochysiaceae (Myrtales)
writeNexusWrites a concatenated (non-interleaved) or combined...
writePhylipWrites a PHYLIP-formatted file of fully concatenated gene...
domingoscardoso/catGenes documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 9:01 p.m.