OMERO R Gateway

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R wrapper around the OMERO Java Gateway, to enable access to OMERO via R using rJava.




Need additionally:

Install the romero.gateway R package

Download the latest romero.gateway version which is compatible with your OMERO server version from the Release page

OMERO version | romero.gateway version --- | --- 5.6, 5.5 | >= 0.4.8 5.5 | 0.4.7 5.4 | <= 0.4.7


Download the zip package.

In RStudio "Install Packages" use option "Install from:" "Package Archive File" and select the romero.gateway zip file.

Alternatively: In R console run install.packages("", repos = NULL)

See Tips for Windows users section if you are running into difficulties.

Unix / OSX

Download the tar.gz package.

In RStudio "Install Packages" use option "Install from:" "Package Archive File" and select the romero.gateway tar.gz file.

Alternatively: In R console run install.packages("", type='source', repos = NULL)

See Tips for Unix users section if you are running into difficulties.

Docker / Jupyter

With Docker and Jupyter there is a quick and easy way to get an R OMERO enviroment set up and running in your browser. Ideal to quickly try out some snippets. Go to jupyter directory and see the instructions there.


Build from source

install.R script

This allows you to install a custom version or build from a custom branch.

Use the install.R script:

  curl -o install.R 
  Rscript install.R

This will build and install the current master branch by default. But you can specify a particular branch or version to build or perform a local build of the cloned repository. Run Rscript install.R --help to see more details.


Unit tests

Troubleshooting rJava

The latest R/rJava packages usually don't cause any problems. But older versions have been known for troubles. In these cases try this:

Unix users

Installing rJava

Before installing the rJava package you probably have to set up Java for R first:

# as root
export $JAVA_HOME=[path to JDK/JRE]
R CMD javareconf

Additional dependencies

In order to build/install some necessary R packages, additional system libraries may have to be installed first. E.g. the R packages httr and xml2 need the development libraries for curl and xml2, so for example on a Debian system you probably have to install libcurl4-dev and libxml2-dev first. If you can't install an R package due to compile errors, most likely you are missing a development package of some dependent library on your system.

Windows users

Installing rJava

You need to have a Java SDK installed. Latest version which is supported is 11. Download for example the Adopt OpenJDK 11 from

Make sure that the java executable is on your Path and JAVA_HOME is set, see 'Environment Variables' settings: Environment Variables

Then install rJava as well as the additional dependencies for the R gateway httr and jpeg from CRAN. Finally install the romero-gateway from the zip file.

dominikl/rOMERO documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 1:53 p.m.