Man pages for donboyd5/btools
Boyd tools

diffyaCompute year-over-year difference for annual data
evenreturn even elements of a vector
f_commaFormat numeric vector in comma format
f_dollarFormat numeric vector in dollar format
fdoqFirst day of quarter, given a date as string or date
f_pctFormat numeric vector as percent
ftonFactor to numeric
htShow head and tail of a vector, matrix, table, data frame or...
is.evenwhich elements of a vector are even
is.oddwhich elements of a vector are odd
is.truefunction to deal with NA logical values
lcnamesConvert names of a data frame to lower case
ldomLast day of month
maGet trailing moving average
ma4Get 4-period moving average (3 lags + current)
memoryDescribe memory usage and collect garbage
nazConvert NA to zero
nscreate vector of sorted names of a data frame
oddreturn odd elements of a vector
p25Compute the sample 25th percentile
p50Compute the sample 50th percentile (median).
p75Compute the sample 75th percentile.
panyCompute the sample value for a specific percentile, p.
pchyaCompute year-over-year percent change for annual data
pipePipe operator
pmeanVectorized mean, similiar to 'pmin' and 'pmax'
psumVectorized sum, similiar to 'pmin' and 'pmax'
qtiledfGet quantiles and number of not-NA observations for a vector,...
rollmeanRolling mean
rollminRolling minimum
rollsdRolling sample standard deviation
rollsd_pRolling populatoin standard deviation
saGet seasonally adjusted values for a vector
safe.ifelseifelse that can be used safely with dates
setdiff_allwhich elements are not in the intersection of two vectors?
stabbrget postal abbreviations given state names
stldfGet trend, seasonal, remainder for a vector that has...
stnameget state names given postal abbreviations
str_detect_anyDetect whether any vector elements are in a string
str_extract_after_lastReturn portion of a string after last occurrence of a pattern
str_extract_before_firstReturn portion of a string before first occurrence of a...
sum4Get 4-period moving sum (3 lags + current)
xldateConvert Excel numeric date to date.
yq2First day of quarter, from year, quarter
donboyd5/btools documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 10:47 p.m.