Man pages for dongzhuoer/mcapomorphy
Molecular Classfication based on amino acid apomorphy

augustuswrapper to run AUGUSTUS
compare_sra_pairedcompare fastqc result of original and trimmed sequence for...
compare_sra_singlecompare fastqc result of original and trimmed sequence for...
fasta_to_nexusconvert fasta to nexus data block.
fastqc_pathreturn the full absolute path of the fastqc result
fetchdownload many webpages parallelly
fetch_genomedownload NCBI genome webpage for a vector of given id
file_urlbrowse fastqc html output view RStduio Server
hamstr_from_augustusprepare hamstr input file from augustus gff
hamstr_from_ncbi_proteinprepare hamstr input file from ncbi protein
hamstr_from_oasesprepare hamstr input file from oases transcript
hamstr_from_TSAprepare hamstr input file from ncbi TSA
hamstr_out_to_fastaconvert hamstr output file to FASTA format
parse_assemblyparse assembly metadata in xml format
parse_avibaseparse avibase species webpage
parse_genomeparse NCBI genome webpage
pkg_fileget files in the package
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
replace_extreplace extension name
unnest_listget the outermost list which contains more than one element
view_sra_pairedview fastqc result of original SRA sequence for paired ends
view_sra_singleview fastqc result of original SRA sequence for single ends
write_paupperpare nexus file to run paup
dongzhuoer/mcapomorphy documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 3:28 a.m.