MetaPCA: Meta-analysis in the Dimension Reduction of Genomic data


MetaPCA implements simultaneous dimension reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) when multiple studies are combined. We propose two basic ideas to find a common PC subspace by eigenvalue maximization approach and angle minimization approach, and we extend the concept to incorporate Robust PCA and Sparse PCA in the meta-analysis realm.

MetaPCA implements our proposed four methods to find common subspace among multiple studies (datasets):

For the detailed information, please see the references.


To install this package, save a proper package file for the target OS to the working directory, then run:


[] (

    install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="win.binary")

Mac OS X

[MetaPCA_0.1.4.tgz] (

    install.packages("MetaPCA_0.1.4.tgz", repos=NULL, type="mac.binary")


[MetaPCA_0.1.4.tar.gz] (

    install.packages("MetaPCA_0.1.4.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")



    #Spellman, 1998 Yeast cell cycle data set
    #Consider each synchronization method as a separate data
    pc <- list(alpha=prcomp(t(Spellman$alpha))$x, cdc15=prcomp(t(Spellman$cdc15))$x,
            cdc28=prcomp(t(Spellman$cdc28))$x, elu=prcomp(t(Spellman$elu))$x)
    #There are currently 4 meta-pca methods. Run either one of following four.
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(Spellman, method="Eigen", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(Spellman, method="Angle", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(Spellman, method="RobustAngle", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(Spellman, method="SparseAngle", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    #Comparing between usual pca and meta-pca
    #The first lows are four data sets based on usual PCA, and 
    #the second rows are by MetaPCA
    #We're looking for a cyclic pattern.
    par(mfrow=c(2,4), cex=1, mar=c(0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2))
    for(i in 1:4) {
        plot(pc[[i]][,1], pc[[i]][,2], type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
        text(pc[[i]][,1], pc[[i]][,2], 1:nrow(pc[[i]]), cex=1.5)
        lines(pc[[i]][,1], pc[[i]][,2])
    for(i in 1:4) {
        plot(metaPC$x[[i]]$coord[,1], metaPC$x[[i]]$coord[,2], type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
        text(metaPC$x[[i]]$coord[,1], metaPC$x[[i]]$coord[,2], 1:nrow(metaPC$x[[i]]$coord), cex=1.5)
        lines(metaPC$x[[i]]$coord[,1], metaPC$x[[i]]$coord[,2])

    #4 prostate cancer data which have three classes: normal, primary, metastasis
    #There are currently 4 meta-pca methods. Run either one of following four.
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(prostate, method="Eigen", doPreprocess=FALSE, .scale=TRUE)
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(prostate, method="Angle", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(prostate, method="RobustAngle", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    metaPC <- MetaPCA(prostate, method="SparseAngle", doPreprocess=FALSE)
    #Plotting 4 data in the same space!
    coord <- foreach(dd=iter(metaPC$x), .combine=rbind) %do% dd$coord
    PlotPC2D(coord[,1:2], drawEllipse=F,"Prostate", .class.order=c("Metastasis","Primary","Normal"), 
            .class.color=c('red','#838383','blue'), .annotation=T, newPlot=T,
            .class2=rep(names(metaPC$x), times=sapply(metaPC$x,function(x)nrow(x$coord))), 
            .class2.order=names(metaPC$x), .points.size=1)

    #In the case of "SparseAngle" method, the top contributing genes for all studies can be determined
    #For instance, top 20 genes in 1st PC and their coefficients
    metaPC$v[order(abs(metaPC$v[,1]), decreasing=TRUE),1][1:20]


Dongwan D. Kang and George C. Tseng. (2011) Meta-PCA: Meta-analysis in the Dimension Reduction of Genomic data. (In preparation)

donkang75/MetaPCA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 10:41 a.m.