
LDLConvFunctions offers functions

Check out the vignette for more detailed information.

How to Install

The preferred way to install this package is through devtools:

devtools::install_github("dosc91/LDLConvFunctions", upgrade_dependencies = FALSE)

The ALDC function requires the stringdist package to function. Thus, the stringdist package is automatically installed unless it is installed already. Similary, the EDNN function requires the FNN package to function. Thus, this package is automatically installed unless it is installed already.

In case this automatic installation does not work for whatever reason, please install the required packages manually:



This is a full list of all functions currently contained in LDLConvFunctions

Functions to compute and extract measures:

Functions to reorder C matrices:

Additionally, the package provides a small sample data set:


Please see the references section of the vignette for a list of references.

Please cite the package as follows:

Schmitz, Dominic. (2021). LDLConvFunctions: Functions for measure computation, extraction, and other handy stuff. R package version URL:

dosc91/LDLConvFunctions documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 6:17 p.m.