  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

A set of toy model Functions

# Friedman
friedman = function(x){


  out = 10*sin(pi*x[1]*x[2]) + 20*(x[3] - 0.5)^2 + 10*x[4] # + 5*x5

park1 = function(x){


  out = x[1]/2 * sqrt( 1+ (x[2]+ (x[3]^2) * (x[4] / x[1]^2))) + x[1] + 3*x[4]*exp(1+sin(x[3]))

park2 = function(x){


  out = (2/3 * exp(x[1]+x[2])) - (x[4] *sin(x[3])) + x[3]

run_model = function(X){
  # Generates multivariate output from a design matrix, using
  # the friedman, park1 and park2 functions.
  # Input is a design matrix with 4 columns on the [0,1] cube
  # Output is a 3 column matrix of model output
  n = nrow(X)

  Y = matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 3)
  colnames(Y) = c('y1', 'y2', 'y3')

  for(i in 1:n){

    x = X[i, ]

    y1 = friedman(x)
    y2 = park1(x)
    y3 = park2(x)

    Y[i, ] = c(y1, y2, y3)


initial design

Set up an initial design, sampling sparsely from the input domain (as if the model was expensive to run).
Experiment with n (initial design points), (number of points to augment the design with in each wave), and uncertainty budget.

n = 10 # number of initial design points
k = 4  # number of model inputs
d = 3  # number of model outputs

# simplest method is to choose a subset of the discovered NROY
# points to append to the design

n_app = 10 # number of points to append

  X = maximinLHS(n, k = k,dup = 2)
colnames(X) <- c('x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4')

#X_target = matrix(runif(4), nrow = 1) # uncomment this and comment the next line for a random target input.
X_target = matrix(rep(0.25,4), nrow = 1)

# run the model outside of the function
#Y = run_model(X)
#Y_target = run.model(X_target)
Y_raw = run_model(X)
Y_target_raw = run_model(X_target)

Y_all_norm = normalize(rbind(Y_raw, Y_target_raw))
Y = Y_all_norm[1:n, ]
Y_target = matrix(Y_all_norm[n+1, ], nrow = 1)
# Assume the entire uncertainty budget is in the observational uncertainty initially = list(0.013,0.013,0.013)
# at around 0.01, the HM breaks, putting the I of the target point above 3  
obs_sd_list = list(0.015,0.015,0.015)
disc_list = list(0,0,0) 
disc_sd_list = list(0, 0, 0) 

thres = 3   # implausibility threshold

mins_aug = rep(0,4)
maxes_aug = rep(1,4)

# Improvements to the above function from Andrianakis et al. (2015)
# 1) Reduce the range the emulator is fit over, as the waves continue.
# 2) Sample candidate design points from NEAR the existing NROY design points.

This function augments the original design with points that are found to be NROY and well spaced out using the emulator. It samples n_aug points uniformly across the original space, a large number of times, and finds those that are NROY. It then chooses n_app of these and finds the minumum distance. It repeats this nreps times, and finds the set of n_app points with the largest minumum distance.

wave1 = addNroyDesignPoints(X = X,
                            Y = Y,
                            Y_target = Y_target,
                            n_aug = 100000,
                            nreps = 1000,
                            n_app = n_app,
                            mins_aug = mins_aug,
                            maxes_aug = maxes_aug,
                            thres = 3,
                            disc_list = disc_list,
                            disc_sd_list = disc_sd_list,
                            obs_sd_list = obs_sd_list)
 pairs(rbind(wave1$X_nroy, wave1$X, wave1$X_out, wave1$X_mm, X_target),
       col = c(rep('darkgrey', nrow(wave1$X_nroy)),
               rep('black', nrow(wave1$X)),
               rep('blue', nrow(wave1$X_out)),
               rep('red', nrow(wave1$X_mm)),
       pch = 19,
       xlim = c(0,1),
       ylim = c(0,1)

This part takes the n.aug points found to be NROY, and chooses n_app of them that are found to be furthest apart. These are appended to the design points that are inside the marginal NROY ranges.

# This part takes the n.aug points found to be NROY, and chooses of them that are found to be
# furthest apart. These are appended to the design points that are inside the marginal NROY ranges.
#X2 = rbind(X[keep1_ix, ] , ChooseMaximinNroy(n_app = n_app, waveobj=wave1, nreps = 10000))

# Run the model at the new design
Y2_raw = run_model(wave1$X_out)
Y2 = normalize(Y2_raw, wrt = Y_raw)

wave2 = addNroyDesignPoints(X = wave1$X_out,
                               Y = Y2,
                               Y_target = Y_target,
                               n_aug = 100000,
                               nreps = 1000,
                              n_app = n_app,
                               mins_aug = mins_aug,
                               maxes_aug = maxes_aug,
                               thres = 3,
                               disc_sd_list = disc_sd_list,
                               obs_sd_list = obs_sd_list)
 pairs(rbind(wave2$X_nroy, wave2$X, wave2$X_out, wave2$X_mm, X_target),
       col = c(rep('darkgrey', nrow(wave2$X_nroy)),
               rep('black', nrow(wave2$X)),
               rep('blue', nrow(wave2$X_out)),
               rep('red', nrow(wave2$X_mm)),
       pch = 19,
       xlim = c(0,1),
       ylim = c(0,1)
Y3_raw = run_model(wave2$X_out)
Y3 = normalize(Y3_raw, wrt = Y_raw)

wave3 = addNroyDesignPoints(X = wave2$X_out,
                               Y = Y3,
                               Y_target = Y_target,
                               n_aug = 100000,
                               nreps = 1000,
                              n_app = n_app,
                               mins_aug = mins_aug,
                               maxes_aug = maxes_aug,
                               thres = 3,
                               disc_sd_list = disc_sd_list,
                               obs_sd_list = obs_sd_list)
 pairs(rbind(wave3$X_nroy, wave3$X, wave3$X_out, wave3$X_mm, X_target),
       col = c(rep('darkgrey', nrow(wave3$X_nroy)),
               rep('black', nrow(wave3$X)),
               rep('blue', nrow(wave3$X_out)),
               rep('red', nrow(wave3$X_mm)),
       pch = 19,
       xlim = c(0,1),
       ylim = c(0,1)
loopAddDesignPoint = function(X, 
                              thres = 3, 
                              waves = 3,
                              n_app = n_app,
                              nreps = 1000,
                              shrink = TRUE){

  if(length(n_aug) ==1){
    n_aug = rep(n_aug, waves)

  wavelist = vector(mode='list', length = waves)
  Xlist  = vector(mode='list', length = waves)
  Ylist  = vector(mode='list', length = waves)

  for(i in 1:waves){

    wave = addNroyDesignPoints(X = X, 
                                  Y = Y, 
                                  Y_target = Y_target,
                                  n_aug = n_aug[i], 
                                  mins_aug = mins_aug,
                                  maxes_aug = maxes_aug,
                                  thres = thres,
                               nreps = nreps,
                                  disc_sd_list = disc_sd_list,
                                  obs_sd_list = obs_sd_list)

    # This part excludes any original design points outside of the ranges returned as NROY by
    # add_nroy_design_points. This shrinks down the domain that the emulator
    # is fit over.

      keep_ix = which(apply(X, FUN = withinRange,1,
                             maxes = wave$X_nroy_max,
                             mins = wave$X_nroy_min))

      # This part takes the n_aug points found to be NROY, 
      # and chooses n_app of them that are found to be furthest apart. 
      # These are appended to the design points that are inside the marginal NROY ranges. 

      Xnew = rbind(X[keep_ix, ] , chooseMaximinNroy(n_app = n_app, waveobj=wave, nreps = nreps))


      Xnew = rbind(X, chooseMaximinNroy(n_app = n_app, waveobj = wave, nreps = nreps) )

    # Run the model at the new design
    Ynew_raw = run_model(Xnew)

    # Normalise with respect to the original output.
    Ynew = normalize(Ynew_raw, wrt = Ynew_raw)

    X = Xnew
    Y = Ynew

    wavelist[[i]] = wave
    Xlist[[i]] = X
    Ylist[[i]] = Y


  return(list(wavelist = wavelist, shrink = shrink, Xlist = Xlist, Ylist = Ylist, nreps = nreps))

This loops through model runs, shrinking the NROY space each time

# # this is hanging
# waves = 3
# n_aug = rep(100000, waves)
# # Increase n_aug as you go through the waves?
# #n_aug = c(100000, 100000, 100000, 100000, 100000, 100000, 100000, 100000)
# wavetest = loopAddDesignPoint (X = X, 
#                                Y = Y,
#                                Y_target = Y_target,
#                                n_aug = n_aug, 
#                                nreps = 1000,
#                                mins_aug = mins_aug,
#                                maxes_aug = maxes_aug,
#                                thres = 3,
#                                disc_list=disc_list,
#                                disc_sd_list = disc_sd_list,
#                                obs_sd_list = obs_sd_list,
#                            n_app = n_app,
#                            waves = waves,
#                            shrink = TRUE
# )
makeTransparent = function(someColor, alpha=100)
  # Transparent colours for plotting
  apply(newColor, 2, function(curcoldata){rgb(red=curcoldata[1], green=curcoldata[2],
                                              blue=curcoldata[3],alpha=alpha, maxColorValue=255)})

reset <- function() {
  # Allows annotation of graphs, resets axes
  par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=rep(0, 4), new=TRUE)
  plot(0:1, 0:1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE)

# for(i in 1:length(test$wavelist)){
#   if(i==1){Xem = X}
#   else{Xem = test$Xlist[[i-1]]}
#   x = rbind(test$wavelist[[i]]$X_nroy, Xem, test$Xlist[[i]], X_target)
#    # png(file = paste0('graphics/anim/toy_hm_waves_01_',sprintf("%04d",i),'.png'),
# #width = 480, height = 480)
#   par(oma = c(0,0,0,3), bg = 'white')
#   cols = c(rep('darkgrey', nrow(test$wavelist[[i]]$X_nroy)),
#            rep('blue', nrow(Xem)),
#            rep('gold', nrow(test$Xlist[[i]])),
#           'red')
#   pairs(x,
#         gap = 0, lower.panel = NULL, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1),
#         cex.labels = 3,
#         col.axis = 'white',
#         col = cols,
#         pch = 19,
#         cex = 1
#            )
#   reset()
# legend('bottom',
#        legend = c('NROY samples', 'Design points', 'test', 'True input (hidden)'),
#        col = c('darkgrey', 'blue', 'gold', 'red'),
#        inset = 0.05,
#        cex = 1.1,
#        pch = 19
#        )
# # use 
# # convert -delay 100 toy*.png -loop 0 movie.gif
# # to animate the pngs.
# }

dougmcneall/imptools documentation built on Nov. 13, 2021, 7:12 p.m.