Man pages for dpabon/ecofunr
Deriving Ecosystem Functional Properties

aggregAggregation function for Ecosystem Functional Properties
cueCarbon Use Efficiency
dot-iAAFTSurrogateEnsembleGet random ensemble time series
ec_ddSample of daily eddy covariance data used for EFPs...
ec_hhSample of half-hourly eddy covariance data used for EFPs...
ecofunrecofunr: A package to retrive *Eco*system *Fun*ctional...
efEvaporative Fraction
evalSensEvaluating the SCAPE performance
getArrheniusEstimate Ea value and time varying Rb from temperature and...
getLloydTaylorEstimate activation energy Ea and time varying Rb from...
getQ10Title Estimate Q10 value and time varying Rb from temperature...
getRb2SensCalculate basal respiration
getSensEstimate temperature sensitivty value and time varying $R_b$...
gpp_normalizedNormalized GPP
helloHello, World!
plotensemblesplot the decomposed series
predictRPredict respiration
sentinel2.efpsPredicting Ecosystem Functional Properties using Sentinel-2
timeseriesEFPs temporal series
ts_gsDetermine the number of growing seasons in a temporal series.
wueWater Use Efficiency
dpabon/ecofunr documentation built on July 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m.