evalSens: Evaluating the SCAPE performance

Description Usage Arguments Details Author(s) See Also

View source: R/evalSens.R


Evaluating the SCAPE performance


evalSens(SCAPE_res, Rb = NA)



list: ouput from a successful run of a getQ10, getArrhenius or getLloydTaylor function


vector: in case it applies: an Rb time series


Function to properly evaluating the model based on the SCAPE estimated sensitivities. A straight forward evaluation of the SCAPE predictions e.g. via the RMSE or other error metrics are possible, these could be overoptimistic. The reason is that the time varying basal respiration is extracted as part of the original observations. Hence, a model that includes this part of the signal is hence comparing a fraction of the signal with itself. The evaluation wrapper uses the output of the get*** model and performs the evaluation based on the spectrally decomposed signals (i.e. in frequency ranges where Rb does not play a direct role), using the same spectral method, parameterization, and surrogate setting. Metrics used here are


Fabian Gans, Miguel D. Mahecha, MPI BGC Jena, Germany, fgans@bgc-jena.mpg.de mmahecha@bgc-jena.mpg.de

See Also

getQ10, getLloydTaylor, getArrhenius

dpabon/ecofunr documentation built on July 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m.