
Defines functions evalSens

Documented in evalSens

# R-Code to calculate Q10-value based on SCAPE Copyright (C) 2013 Fabian Gans,
# Miguel Mahecha This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with this program.  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Evaluating the SCAPE performance

#' @param SCAPE_res list: ouput from a successful run of a getQ10, getArrhenius or getLloydTaylor function
#' @param Rb vector: in case it applies: an Rb time series
#' @details
#' Function to properly evaluating the model based on the SCAPE estimated sensitivities.
#' A straight forward evaluation of the SCAPE predictions e.g. via the RMSE or other error metrics are
#' possible, these could be overoptimistic. The reason is that the time varying basal respiration is
#' extracted as part of the original observations. Hence, a model that includes this part of the signal
#' is hence comparing a fraction of the signal with itself. The evaluation wrapper uses the output of
#' the get*** model and performs the evaluation based on the spectrally decomposed signals
#' (i.e. in frequency ranges where Rb does not play a direct role), using the same spectral method,
#' parameterization, and surrogate setting. Metrics used here are
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[efps]{getQ10}}, \code{\link[efps]{getLloydTaylor}}, \code{\link[efps]{getArrhenius}}
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @author
#' Fabian Gans, Miguel D. Mahecha, MPI BGC Jena, Germany, fgans@bgc-jena.mpg.de mmahecha@bgc-jena.mpg.de
evalSens <- function(SCAPE_res, Rb = NA)
  # First collect original settings

  sf <- SCAPE_res$settings$sf
  Tref <- SCAPE_res$settings$Tref
  gam <- SCAPE_res$settings$gam
  fborder <- SCAPE_res$settings$fborder
  M <- SCAPE_res$settings$M
  nss <- SCAPE_res$settings$nss
  method <- SCAPE_res$settings$method
  lag <- SCAPE_res$settings$lag
  model <- SCAPE_res$settings$model
  gapFilling <- SCAPE_res$settings$gapFilling
  invS <- SCAPE_res$settings$invGetSensPar

  rho_pred <- log(SCAPE_res$DAT$SCAPE_R_pred)  #Define rho from SCAPE prediction
  rho_pred_conv <- log(SCAPE_res$DAT$Conv_R_pred)  #Define rho from SCAPE prediction
  rho <- log(SCAPE_res$DAT$respiration)  #Define rho from SCAPE prediction
  # Then do spectral decomposition of the prediction
  l <- length(rho)

  # Decompose original resp
  x <- scapedecomp(x = SCAPE_res$DAT$respiration, sf = sf, fborder = fborder, method = method,
    Ms = M)
  resp_hf <- x[, 2]
  # Decompoes SCAPE predicted respiration
  x <- scapedecomp(x = SCAPE_res$DAT$SCAPE_R_pred, sf = sf, fborder = fborder,
    method = method, Ms = M)
  resp_pred_hf <- x[, 2]
  # Decompose SCAPE conventional predicted respiration
  x <- scapedecomp(x = SCAPE_res$DAT$Conv_R_pred, sf = sf, fborder = fborder, method = method,
    Ms = M)
  resp_pred_conv_hf <- x[, 2]

  if (nss > 0) {
    resp_pred_sur_hf <- aaply(.data = SCAPE_res$SCAPE_Rpred_surr, .fun = scapedecomp,
      .margins = c(1, 2), sf = sf, fborder = fborder, Ms = M, method = method)[,
      , , 2]

  sq <- function(x) return(x * x)
  rmse <- function(x1, x2, w) return(sqrt(weighted.mean(sq(x1 - x2), w = w, na.rm = TRUE)))
  mef <- function(x1, x2, w) return(1 - sum(w * sq(x1 - x2), na.rm = TRUE)/sum(w *
    sq(x1 - weighted.mean(x1, w = w, na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE))

  w <- SCAPE_res$DAT$weights/sum(SCAPE_res$DAT$weights, na.rm = TRUE)

  results <- list()
  results$Conv <- list()
  results$SCAPE <- list()

  results$Conv$RMSE <- rmse(resp_hf, resp_pred_conv_hf, w)
  results$Conv$MEF <- mef(resp_hf, resp_pred_conv_hf, w)

  results$SCAPE$RMSE <- rmse(resp_hf, resp_pred_hf, w)
  results$SCAPE$MEF <- mef(resp_hf, resp_pred_hf, w)

  if (length(lag) > 0) {
    results$lag <- list()
    results$lag$RMSE <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(lag))
    results$lag$MEF <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(lag))
    names(results$lag$RMSE) <- as.character(lag)
    names(results$lag$MEF) <- as.character(lag)

    ilag <- 1
    for (tl in lag) {
      rb <- getRb2Sens(tau_lf = SCAPE_res$DAT$tau.dec.lf, rho_lf = SCAPE_res$DAT$rho.dec.lf,
        tau = SCAPE_res$DAT$tau, rho = SCAPE_res$DAT$rho, S = invS(SCAPE_res$lag_results[[1]][ilag,
      pred <- predictR(Rb = rb, S = invS(SCAPE_res$lag_results[[1]][ilag, 1]),
        tau = SCAPE_res$DAT$tau, lag = tl)
      nalist <- is.na(pred)
      x <- scapedecomp(x = pred[!nalist], sf = sf, fborder = fborder, method = method,
        Ms = M)
      resp_pred_lag_hf <- x[, 2]
      results$lag$RMSE[ilag] <- rmse(resp_hf[!nalist], resp_pred_lag_hf, w[!nalist])
      results$lag$MEF[ilag] <- mef(resp_hf[!nalist], resp_pred_lag_hf, w[!nalist])
      ilag <- ilag + 1


  if (nss > 0) {
    results$surrogates <- list()
    results$surrogates$RMSE <- array(NA, c(nss, nss))
    results$surrogates$MEF <- array(NA, c(nss, nss))
    for (i in 1:nss) {
      for (j in 1:nss) {
        results$surrogates$RMSE[i, j] <- rmse(resp_hf, resp_pred_sur_hf[i,
          j, ], w)
        results$surrogates$MEF[i, j] <- mef(resp_hf, resp_pred_sur_hf[i,
          j, ], w)

  # Rb evaluation
  if (!any(is.na(Rb))) {

    results$Conv$Rb = list()
    results$Conv$Rb$RMSE = rmse(Rb, SCAPE_res$Conv_Rb, w)
    results$Conv$Rb$MEF = mef(Rb, SCAPE_res$Conv_Rb, w)

    results$SCAPE$Rb = list()
    results$SCAPE$Rb$RMSE = rmse(Rb, SCAPE_res$SCAPE_Rb, w)
    results$SCAPE$Rb$MEF = mef(Rb, SCAPE_res$SCAPE_Rb, w)

    if (nss > 0) {
      results$surrogates$Rb = list()
      results$surrogates$Rb$RMSE = array(NA, c(nss, nss))
      results$surrogates$Rb$MEF = array(NA, c(nss, nss))
      for (i in 1:nss) {
        for (j in 1:nss) {
          results$surrogates$Rb$RMSE[i, j] = rmse(Rb, as.vector(SCAPE_res$SCAPE_Rb_surr[i,
          j, ]), w)
          results$surrogates$Rb$MEF[i, j] = mef(Rb, as.vector(SCAPE_res$SCAPE_Rb_surr[i,
          j, ]), w)

  ## value<< List with evaluation metrics, the root mean square error and the
  ## modelling efficiency are calculated << If nss>0 for evaluation metric will be
  ## derived for surrogates, too, as well as for time-lagged results.
dpabon/ecofunr documentation built on July 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m.