
#' \code{dataset_singleRep} is a dataset (matrix) containing synthetic, example data to demostrate the format that a data matrix should take when only a single large cage experiment was used.
#' @details Each row  of the matrix contains data for each female recovered from a mating cage.  The three columns are: (i) "Cage" which contains an integer indicating which replicate cage the female came from; (ii) "NumEggs" which is the number of eggs laid by each female; and (iii) "NumViable" which is the number of eggs that hatched or produced viable offspring.
#' @name dataset_singleRep
#' @docType data
#' @author Dan Pagendam \email{dan.pagendam@@csiro.au}
#' @keywords data

#' \code{dataset_multiRep} is a dataset (matrix) containing synthetic, example data to demostrate the format that a data matrix should take when multiple (i.e. replicated) mixed mating cage experiments were used.
#' @details Each row  of the matrix contains data for each female recovered from a mating cage.  The three columns are: (i) "Cage" which contains an integer indicating which replicate cage the female came from; (ii) "NumEggs" which is the number of eggs laid by each female; and (iii) "NumViable" which is the number of eggs that hatched or produced viable offspring.
#' @name dataset_multiRep
#' @docType data
#' @author Dan Pagendam \email{dan.pagendam@@csiro.au}
#' @keywords data
dpagendam/friedsIndex documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.