knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Setup installer

#Setup Installer
installerdir <- file.path( getwd(),"pkglock_test_install_lib")
dir.create(installerdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
if (!require("withr")) install.packages("withr")
      devtools::install_github("bschulth/pkglock@amgen_bschulth", lib=installerdir, force=TRUE, dependencies=TRUE)  
.libPaths( c( .libPaths(), installerdir) )

Create runtime descriptor

pkgs <- c("R6", "pillar (>= 1.2.1)")
lockdata <- pkglock::gen_packrat_lockfile(
              github = c("r-lib/pillar"),
              name = "Brian Schultheiss",
              email = ""

#Save lockfile to disk for storing in GitLab and for later user by Dockerfile
txtFile <- file.path( getwd(),"packrat_lockfile.txt")
pkglock::save_packrat_lockfile( lockdata, txtFile)

Install from packrat lockfile

#In Dockerfile load packrat lock file
lockfile       <- pkglock::load_packrat_lockfile(txtFile)
rtdir          <- pkglock::setup_runtime_template(lockfile, .dir = file.path( getwd(),"work"))

#Do the install
binary_runtime <- pkglock::install_runtime(rtdir, installerdir)

#Move/Copy the binary_runtime to its final cfda_runtime_home

TEST STUFF......Build a descriptor from an R lib.loc

cat(pkglock::gen_pkg_desc_from_libdir("C:/dev/apps/R/3.4.3/library", TRUE))

dpastoor/pkglock documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:24 a.m.