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An R interface to the babylon ecosystem.

Babylon queue (bbq) interface

bbq is a nonmem queue and model runner that exposes an http API for model submission and management.

The overall structure of the information kept in bbq is a tree-like, therefore represented in R as a list.

The primary fields are:

For example:

    "ID": 11,
    "Status": "COMPLETED",
    "ModelInfo": {
        "ModelPath": "C:\\golang\\src\\\\dpastoor\\babylon\\testdata\\run001.mod",
        "RunSettings": {
            "Git": false,
            "SaveExe": "",
            "Verbose": false,
            "Debug": false,
            "CleanLvl": 5,
            "CopyLvl": 5,
            "CacheDir": "C:\\golang\\src\\\\dpastoor\\babylon\\testdata\\mdlcache",
            "ExeNameInCache": "run001.exe",
            "NmExecutableOrPath": "nmfe74",
            "OneEst": false,
            "ProposedRunDir": ""
    "RunInfo": {
        "QueueTime": 0,
        "StartTime": 1500764944,
        "Duration": 0,
        "RunDir": "C:\\golang\\src\\\\dpastoor\\babylon\\testdata\\run001_est_07",
        "Error": ""


Interaction with bbq in R can occur over the http api to submit and query models. An ORM of sorts is exposed through rbabylon as the Babylon class:

bbq <- bbq_client()
# or 
bbq <- Babylon$new()

submitting models

model submission is done through the submit_models method. The only required bit of information is a path to the model file(s) to submit. If the path is not absolute, it will be considered relative to the current working directory. One mechanism is to call normalizePath() on the paths to let R clean and absolutify a path. For example, to submit all models in the dir "modeling/"

models <- normalizePath(dir("modeling", pattern = "*.mod", full.names = TRUE))
response <- bbq$submit_models(models)

The returned response object will contain the model IDs set by the server, so the submitted models can be easily queried

model_ids <- reponse %>% map_dbl("id")

getting model information

To get all models, can query with bbq$get_models(), which will provide a list of lists (a list of model-information-lists) for each run.

For example, to extract a vector run directories for all complete models one could do:

bbq$get_models(status = "COMPLETED") %>% map_chr(~ .x$RunInfo$RunDir)

Hence, it is quite valuable to learn some functional programming techniques made available through the purrr package


One common need is to run model(s) and do something after they are completed. If you are willing/want to block your R session, such that the remainder of code will not execute until the submitted models are completed you may use the poll() method, which takes a vector of model ID's, and will query the bbq server at intervals specified by the interval argument (default 10 seconds) until all models have one of the statuses specified in the until argument (default COMPLETED and ERROR).

After all models achieve the specified status(es), or the timeout time has elapsed, the model's information will be returned, or if the timeout is elapsed, a NULL result is returned.

This allows programmatic flows such as:

bbq$poll(c(1, 2, 3)) %>%
    # do postprocessing
    post_process_models() %>%

The 'downside' is it blocks your R-session while polling, though this behavior is sometimes desired, especially for short running models/simulations.

Regardless, to asyncronously monitor run status, other mechanisms such as slack or text notifictions, or monitoring through a separate web GUI are likely more ideal.

dpastoor/rbabylon documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:23 p.m.