
# Check if input is valid ------------------------------------------------------
# no copies of id in baseline
# no copies of id+cyc in cycle
# no copies of id+cyc+day in daily
# baseline/cycle are NULL/mat/arr/df
# daily is mat/arr/df
# X, Y TRUE/FALSE or 0/1 or yes/no
# (baseline == NULL) <==> (varInclNames$baseline == NULL and similarly for cycle
# varInclNames all match a name in corresp dataset and similarly for other *Name
# no multiple pregnancies
# no multiple id/cyc in cycle or id/cyc/day in day
# if preg in daily then preg consistent throughout cycle
# cycle and cycleDay are numeric
# no duplicates in fwDays
dpritchLibre/DSP_Package documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:49 p.m.