Man pages for dragua/xlsx
Read, Write, Format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Files

addDataFrameAdd a 'data.frame' to a sheet.
addHyperlinkAdd a hyperlink to a cell.
AlignmentCreate an Alignment object.
autoRefreshForce Refresh Pivot Tables and Formulae
BorderCreate an Border object.
CellFunctions to manipulate cells.
CellBlockCreate and style a block of cells.
CellProtectionCreate a CellProtection object.
CellStyleFunctions to manipulate cells.
CellStyle-plusCellStyle construction.
CommentFunctions to manipulate cell comments.
DataFormatCreate an DataFormat object.
FillCreate an Fill object.
FontCreate a Font object.
NamedRangesFunctions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges.
OtherEffectsFunctions to do various spreadsheets effects.
PictureFunctions to manipulate images in a spreadsheet.
POI_constantsConstants used in the project.
PrintSetupFunction to manipulate print setup.
readColumnsRead a contiguous set of columns from sheet into an R...
readRowsRead a contiguous set of rows into an R matrix
read.xlsxRead the contents of a worksheet into an R 'data.frame'.
RowFunctions to manipulate rows of a worksheet.
set_java_tmp_dirSet Java Temp Directory
SheetFunctions to manipulate worksheets.
WorkbookFunctions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks.
write.xlsxWrite a data.frame to an Excel workbook.
xlsx-packageRead, write, format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003...
dragua/xlsx documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 5:50 a.m.