Poisk2: Structure learning with Poisson models using the Poisson K2...

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Poisk2R Documentation

Structure learning with Poisson models using the Poisson K2 (PK2) algorithm


This function finds the best fitting structure of a Poisson model given a matrix of counts and topological ordering, using a given criterion ("AIC", "BIC"). The PK2 algorithm is a modification of the K2 algorithm of Cooper and Herskovits (1992) able to deal with Poisson data. See Nguyen et al. (2022) for details.


Poisk2(X, order, criterion = "BIC", maxcard)



the matrix of counts (n times p).


the topological ordering of variables (names of nodes).


the score function that measure the fitting of structures, could be "AIC" or "BIC".


the uper bound of the cardinality of the parent sets.


a list containing the estimated adjacency matrix of the graph and a graphNEL object of the same graph.


Cooper, G. F. and Herskovits, E. (1992). A Bayesian method for the induction of probabilistic networks from data. Machine learning, 9(4), 309–347.

Nguyen, Chiogna, Risso, Banzato (2022). Guided structure learning of DAGs for count data. arXiv:2206.09754.

drisso/learn2count documentation built on July 15, 2024, 11:13 p.m.