MbkmeansParam: Mini-batch k-means clustering

View source: R/MbkmeansParam.R

MbkmeansParamR Documentation

Mini-batch k-means clustering


Run the mini-batch k-means mbkmeans function with the specified number of centers within clusterRows from the bluster Bioconductor package.


MbkmeansParam(centers, ...)



An integer scalar specifying the number of centers. Alternatively, a function that takes the number of observations and returns the number of centers. Note, the mbkmeans function uses the argument clusters argument to represent this argument. However, we use centers to match


Further arguments to pass to mbkmeans.


This function is deprecated. Please use the MbkmeansParam function in the bluster Bioconductor package.

drisso/mbkmeans documentation built on April 6, 2022, 4:33 a.m.