getNonZeros: Compute Non-Zeros (Signals)

getNonZerosR Documentation

Compute Non-Zeros (Signals)


Estimate the location of non-zeros (signals) implied by horseshoe-type thresholding.


getNonZeros(post_evol_sigma_t2, post_obs_sigma_t2 = NULL)



the Nsims x T or Nsims x T x p matrix/array of posterior draws of the evolution error variances.


the Nsims x 1 or Nsims x T matrix of posterior draws of the observation error variances.


Thresholding is based on kappa[t] > 1/2, where kappa = 1/(1 + evol_sigma_t2/obs_sigma_t2), evol_sigma_t2 is the evolution error variance, and obs_sigma_t2 is the observation error variance. In particular, the decision rule is based on the posterior mean of kappa.


A vector (or matrix) of indices identifying the signals according to the horsehoe-type thresholding rule.


The thresholding rule depends on whether the prior variance for the state variable mu (i.e., evol_sigma_t2) is scaled by the observation standard deviation, obs_sigma_t2. Explicitly, if mu[t] ~ N(0, evol_sigma_t2[t]) then the correct thresholding rule is based on kappa = 1/(1 + evol_sigma_t2/obs_sigma_t2). However, if mu[t] ~ N(0, evol_sigma_t2[t]*obs_sigma_t2[t]) then the correct thresholding rule is based on kappa = 1/(1 + evol_sigma_t2). The latter case may be implemented by omitting the input for post_obs_sigma_t2 (or setting it to NULL).


## Not run: 
# Simulate a function with many changes:
simdata = simUnivariate(signalName = "blocks", T = 128, RSNR = 7, include_plot = TRUE)
y = simdata$y

# Run the MCMC:
out = btf(y, D = 1, evol_error = "HS",
                 mcmc_params = list('mu','evol_sigma_t2', 'obs_sigma_t2'))
# Compute the CPs:
nz = getNonZeros(post_evol_sigma_t2 = out$evol_sigma_t2,
                post_obs_sigma_t2 = out$obs_sigma_t2)
# True CPs:
cp_true = 1 + which(abs(diff(simdata$y_true)) > 0)

# Plot the results:
plot_cp(y, nz)
plot_cp(colMeans(out$mu), nz)
# abline(v = cp_true)

# Regression example:
simdata = simRegression(T = 200, p = 5, p_0 = 2)
y = simdata$y; X = simdata$X
# Run the MCMC:
out = btf_reg(y, X, D = 1, evol_error = 'DHS',
                     mcmc_params = list('mu', 'beta', 'yhat',
                                        'evol_sigma_t2', 'obs_sigma_t2'))
for(j in 1:ncol(X))
 plot_fitted(rep(0, length(y)),
             mu = colMeans(out$beta[,,j]),
             postY = out$beta[,,j],
             y_true = simdata$beta_true[,j])

# Compute the CPs
nz = getNonZeros(post_evol_sigma_t2 = out$evol_sigma_t2,
                post_obs_sigma_t2 = out$obs_sigma_t2)
for(j in 1:ncol(X))
 plot_cp(mu = colMeans(out$beta[,,j]),
         cp_inds = nz[nz[,2]==j,1])

## End(Not run)

drkowal/dsp documentation built on July 19, 2023, 11:42 a.m.