getModulesEnrichment: Modules enrichment

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/GMSCA.R


This function determine the module enrichment of a GCN


getModulesEnrichment(net, markers.path = ".", return.processed = F,
  significanceThreshold = 1, outputCorrectedPvalues = T, debug = F)



A GCN created with createGCN. It can be an R object or the full path of a file containing it. If a filename is provided this function will first look for a file with the same name but ending in ".enrichment.csv". If the file exists the function will return its content.


Folder containing user-defined lists of genes to be used as marker genes to determine modules enrichment. They must have in the first row the name of the enrichment and then, a gene ID on every row. Gene IDs must be expresed using the same format as in the network specified in the first parameter.


When True the functions returns the -log10 of the p-value obtained replacing the -inf values by the highest value obtained. When False the function returns the p-values. This parameter is False by default.


When this value is lower than 1 this function returns the name of the celltype enrichment of each module which is exclusively enriched by a single celltype with a p-value lower than the value received by this parameter. In this case, the value of return.processed is ignored.


When true some corrections are made to the standard fisher test obtained. Firstly a Bonferroni correction, then a regression correctio to reduce bias of using too big enrichment sets. This paremeter is True by default.


Show some messages about the test made


a matrix with a column for each module in the network and a row for each enrichment type. Values in the matrix reflects the p-value resulting from the test made to determine if the module is enriched or not. Alternatively, when significanceThreshold < 1 a named vector with the enrichment name for each module significantly and exclusivelly enriched by a celltype.

drlaguna/GPCNA documentation built on Sept. 22, 2020, 11:47 p.m.