Man pages for drmjc/updateR
Package development toolkit

available.packages.biocDownload a current list of available Bioconductor packages
available.packages.cranDownload a current list of available CRAN packages
bioc.versionWhat version of Bioconductor does this version of R use?
detach.allDetach all user-loaded packages
edit.src.fileedit an R source file
find.src.fileFind the source file for a given function. the function names defined in a source file
get.function.dependenciesDetermine all the dependencies of a function from a list of...
get.function.dependencies2fileDetermine all the dependencies of a function from a list of...
import.functionSearch for & import the function definition from within a...
import.function.from.src.fileImport the function definition from within a source file.
import.function.headerSearch for & import the function header from within a source...
import.function.header.from.src.fileImport the function header from within a source file.
is.dirIs the given path a file or directory? my R packages which all sit inside src.root
prompt.functionProduce a prototype of an Rd (R Documentation) file, from a...
refactoRrefactoR R code
relibraryReloads a package
replace.importFromreplace the @importFrom statements with a new package
search.function.importsMefind the functions, which @importFrom 'func'
unlibraryUnload a library.
updateRA flexible R package updater.
updateR-packagePackage development toolkit.
which.packageFunction to tell you which package a function came from.
which.src.fileFind the source file for a given function. This is a wrapper...
write_PACKAGESwrite PACKAGES file
drmjc/updateR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:41 p.m.