
#' @title Ages and lengths of Blue Catfish.
#' @description Ages and total lengths of Blue Catfish (\emph{Ictalurus furcatus}) collected form the Wilson Reservoir on the Tennessee River, AL.
#' @name BlueCatfish
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 119 observations on the following 2 variables.
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{age}{Age (from otoliths)}
#'    \item{tl}{Total length (mm)}
#'  }
#' @section Topic(s):
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item Growth
#'    \item von Bertalanffy
#'  }
#' @concept Growth
#' @concept von Bertalanffy
#' @source From (approximately) Figure 2 of Maceina, M.J. 2007. Use of piecewise nonlinear models to estimate variable size-related mortality rates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:971-977. \href{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fishR-Core-Team/FSAdata/main/data-raw/BlueCatfish.csv}{CSV file}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(BlueCatfish)
#' str(BlueCatfish)
#' head(BlueCatfish)
#' plot(tl~age,data=BlueCatfish)
droglenc/FSAdata documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 12:53 a.m.