Man pages for droglenc/FSAmisc
Miscellaneous functions for simple fisheries stock assessment methods

alkPrepPrepares problematic age-length key matrices for use.
changesPosFind positions in a vector that have a different value from...
compInterceptsTests for significant differences among all pairs of...
compSlopesTests for significant differences among all pairs of slopes...
diagsExtract diagonals from a matrix.
dietOverlapComputes indices of diet overlap between two species.
dischargeConmputes stream discharge measurements using the...
filterDSubsets/filters a data frame and drops the unused levels.
fitPlotDEPRECATED - Fitted model plot for an lm, glm, or nls object.
FSAmiscMiscellaneous functions for simple fisheries stock assessment...
Garvey1Number of Ameletus and Leuctra per benthic core in pools in...
Garvey4aDesity of shad captured in offshore zones and sunfish seined...
gReshapeReshapes a one-fish-per-line data frame to a...
growthRadPlotConstructs skeleton plots of radial or proportional radial...
hoCoefPerforms a hypothesis test that a linear model parameter is...
ks2d1Computes the D test statistic for the one-sample...
ks2d1pA permutation test to compute a p-value for the D test...
ks2d2Computes the D test statistic for the two-sample...
ks2d2pA permutation test to compute a p-value for the D test...
KS2D_NRData from Figure 14.7.1 of Numerical Recipes
limnoProfilePlotConstructs a plot of depth versus limnological measure.
popSizesPlotConstructs a plot of population size versus time from the...
pos2adjConvert a "directional" position to "adj" values for labeling...
residPlotDEPRECATED - Construct a residual plot from lm or nls...
TroutDietSLSize and diet data for lake and bull trout from Swan Lake,...
walfordChapmanPlotConstructs Ford-Walford and Chapman plots for mean...
wetPerimComputes the wetted perimeter of a stream from depth and...
droglenc/FSAmisc documentation built on Jan. 8, 2023, 12:59 a.m.