Man pages for droglenc/FSAsim
Simulate Data for Fisheries Stock Assessment Methods

catchCurveSimDynamic plots to explore catch-curve models.
cohortSimDynamic plot to explore numbers in a cohort over time.
FSA-internalsInternal functions used in FSAsim.
FSAsimFisheries stock assessment simulation functions.
growthModelSimDynamics plots to explore typical fisheries growth models.
lengthWeightSimDynamic plot to explore length-weight power function models.
leslieSimDynamic plots to explore the Leslie depletion model.
mrClosed1SimDynamic plots to explore single-census mark-recapture models.
sample4ALKSample fish for construction of an age-length key.
simAgeBiasSimulate an age bias and simulate the ages of fish using the...
simAgesSimulate an age structure.
simLenFromAgeSimulate fish length from given ages.
simLenSelectSimulate sampling fish based on length selectivity.
srCobWebPlots typical fisheries stock-recruitment models with...
srSimDynamic plots to explore typical fisheries stock-recruitment...
srStartsDPUses dynamic plots to find reasonable starting values for...
vbCompEvaluates and plots the traditional von Bertalanffy growth...
vbDataGenRandomly create length-at-age data according to a von...
VBGMlitVon Bertalanffy parameter estimates from the literature.
vbStartsDPUses dynamic plots to find reasonable starting values for a...
droglenc/FSAsim documentation built on Feb. 15, 2020, 11:20 p.m.