This package contains data frames which have been generated by combining datasets from "an online publication that shows how living conditions around the world are changing". The data frames in this package have undergone tidying so that they are suited to immediate analysis in R. The purpose of this package is to serve as a central R resource for these datasets so that they might be used for the likes of practice or exploratory data analysis in a replicable manner.

Considerable thanks must go to Max Roser and the rest of the OurWorldInData team, who collate the datasets that are included in this package. If you appreciate their work and make use of this package, please consider supporting OurWorldInData.

Data sets included in this package:



Contributing to the ourworldindata R Package

Contributing to this package necessarily involves adding a data object to be exported with the package, and documentation that explains the data and variables. Ideally, an R file that shows how the data was compiled will also be included. These additions should appear as the following:

Additionally, be sure to add the package to the lists in the README (README.Rmd) and package documentation (see R/ourworldindata.R).

drsimonj/ourworldindata documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:52 p.m.