
#' qrtenginer: A package for parsing and scoring QRTEngine tests.
#' The qrtenginer package provides two categories of important functions:
#' parsing and scoring
#' @section parsing functions:
#' The parsing functions ...
#' @section scoring functions:
#' The scoring functions ...
#' @section compatible surveys:
#' A suite of tests have been built to be compatible with the scoring functions
#' provided by the qrtengine package. There are two purposes for these tests
#' being available. One is so that researchers can quickly deploy and analyse
#' data without the burdens of programming. The second is to encourage
#' researchers to work with a standard test suite so that suitable comparisons
#' can be made across studies.
#' @docType package
#' @name qrtenginer
drsimonj/qrtenginer documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:53 p.m.