Man pages for dschmeh/seoR
Various Functions for 'SEO-related Analyses' in 'R'

allowedByRobotsFunction to check if URL is blocked by robots.txt
choiceCheck general choices
domainAgeFunction to retrieve the Age of a given Domain
downloadSitemapFunction to download the Sitemap.xml of a given Webpage
extractLinksFunction to extract all links of a given Url.
getBingResultsFunction to retrive data from Google Suggest for a specific...
googleSuggestFunction to retrive data from Google Suggest for a specific...
host_tldCheck if the User just provided the Hostname and TLD
hrefLangFunction to retrive the hrefLang-Tag for a given URL
htagFunction to retrive the specified H-Tag of a URL as a Data...
htag_countFunction to retrive the number of specified H-Tag for a given...
htag_inputCheck h-Tag Input
HTMLcanonicalFunction to retrive the Canonical Link element for a given...
HTMLdescriptionFunction to retrive the Meta-Description of a given URL
HTMLdescription_lengthFunction to retrive the number of characters a Meta...
HTMLrobotsFunction to retrive the Meta Robots for a given URL
HTMLtitleFunction to retrive the Title of a given URL
HTMLtitle_lengthFunction to retrive the number of characters a Title-Tag...
internal_all_fileCheck Screaming-Frog Input Files
isIndexableFunction to check if a URL is indexable
keywordResultsFunction to retrive the Number of results for a given Keyword
lastCachedFunction to get the last Google Cache Date for a URL
linkCountFunction to retrive the number of outgoing links for a given...
mobileFriendlyFunction to retrieve Data from Googles Mobile Friendly...
mozLinkMetricsFunction to retrive Link Metrics from Moz-API
mozUrlMetricsFunction to retrive URL Metrics from Moz-API
pagesInIndexFunction to retrive the number of indexed URLs for a given...
pageSpeedFunction to retrieve Data from Googles Pagespeed Testing API
responseCodeFunction to get the Status Code of a given URL
screamingfrog_crawlVsSitemapFunction to compare the crawled URLs with the URLs in the...
screamingfrog_internalPagerankFunction to calculate the internal PageRank of a crawled Page
seoDiverFunction to retrive data from the SEO Diver API
sharedcountFunction to get the Social Shares for a given URL
sitemapxml_checkCheck if the User provided a correct Sitemap.xml
transactionalSuggestFunction to retrive data from Amazon or eBay Suggest function...
urlInSitemapFunction to check if a given URL is in a XML-Sitemap
url_with_httpURL Input checks
w3cValidateFunction to preform a W3C Validation Test for a specific URL
wikipediaTrafficFunction to get Pageview Data of a given Wikipedia Article
dschmeh/seoR documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 12:19 a.m.