  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

Fit regional trends to site-specific abundence data

This package fits a log-linear trend models to regions aggregated over sites. The sites may contain missing surveys that are not temporally aligned with the missing data at other sites, making direct aggregation impossible. The functions within the package model the indivdual sites with a semi-parametric model to interpolate missing data from which regional aggregations can be made. After model fitting, one can sample from the posterior predictive distribution of the regional aggregations Then calculate the log-linear trend over the time period of interest as a derived parameter. Using the posterior predictive distribution allows incorporation of both parameter uncertainty as well as uncertainty due to sampling the local abundance processes.

The model fitted to each site is given by the hierarchical specification: $$ [y_{it}] \sim \text{Tweedie}(\mu_{it}, \phi, p) $$


Load packages for this example


Now we can load the data that is included with the agTrend.gam package and filter it to the data we want for this example (i.e., 1990-2016). Now we'll add a photo method covariate to data (oblique photos prior to 2004 surveys = 1)

wdpsNonpups = wdpsNonpups %>% filter(YEAR>=1990 & YEAR<=2012) %>% mutate(obl = as.integer(YEAR<2004))

The data is then converted to the form necessary for the site abundance imputing function

fit_data = wdpsNonpups %>%,, 

Now, we count the number of positive counts at each site so that we can remove sites that had only 1 positive count

fit_data <- fit_data %>% 
  filter(num_nonzero>1 & n_survey*avg_abund>5)

The next step involves creating a prior distribution list for MCMC site updating. An informative prior for the survey methodology correction is obtained from analysis of another data set.

photoCorrection %>% mutate(log_ratio = log(OBLIQUE/VERTICAL)) -> photoCorrection
gamma_0 = photoCorrection %>% summarize(mean(log_ratio)) %>% as.double()
gamma_se = photoCorrection %>% summarize(sd(log_ratio)/sqrt(n())) %>% as.double()

obs.prior=list(gamma.mean=gamma_0, gamma.vcov=gamma_se^2)

For the linear trend at each site, a ridge regression penalty is used such that the linear trend will be shrunk back to zero if the data do not support a trend.

Now we begin the MCMC sampling using the site.simulate function. This function performs the site augmentation and samples from the posterior predictive distribution of the count data.

fit_data = site.simulate(fit_data, 
                         min.k = 3, obs.prior=obs.prior, 

Now we add the regional designations to fit_data in order to summarize the counts by desired regions

fit_data = fit_data %>% left_join(
  wdpsNonpups %>% select(SITE, REGION, REGION) %>% distinct(), by=c("site"="SITE")
  ) %>% mutate(TOTAL="TOTAL")

To demonstrate we choose to provide trends for the site region designations. First, the counts are aggregated by region:

region_data = fit_data %>% ag.abundance(REGION)

The the abunance can be summarized with the following function call

region_summ = region_data %>% ag.summ()

Which can then be visualized with with the ggplot2 package

p1 = ggplot(data = region_summ %>% filter(type=="prediction")) +
  geom_path(aes(y=estimate, x=time+1990)) + 
    aes(ymin=ci.lower, ymax=ci.upper,x=time+1990),alpha=0.2,fill="red"
    ) + facet_wrap(~REGION, ncol=2, scales = "free_y") +
    aes(x=time+1990, y=estimate, ymin=ci.lower, ymax=ci.upper),
    data=region_summ %>% filter(type=="realized")

Finally, we get to the main purpose of the package, to estimate log-linear trends for the aggregated abundances. This is accomplished with the function ag.trend

region_trends = region_data %>% ag.trend(time.range=c(2000-1990, 2012-1990))
region_trends %>% select(-trend.sample, -trend.line)

The fitted trendlines can be added to the plots

tl = region_trends %>% select(REGION, trend.line) %>% unnest()
p1 = p1 +
  geom_path(aes(y=fitted, x=time+1990), data=tl, col="blue", lwd=2) +
  xlab("Year") + ylab("Count") + theme_minimal()


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dsjohnson/agTrend.gam documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:35 a.m.