
An R package for using SQL based on the Yesql Clojure library.


ryesql handles reading SQL queries from a file and executing them against a DBI connection.

There are two methods for reading queries: named queries, which have metadata, and anonymous queries, which do not have metadata. Multiple named queries can defined and loaded from a single file, while anonymous queries must each inhabit their own file.

Named queries can be loaded with the function load_queries. Given the file fruit.sql, with the contents:

-- name: green-fruit
-- Get all green fruit.
FROM fruits
WHERE color = ?

the query green-fruit can be loaded into the global environment:

require(RSQLite)  # Or another DBI package.


# `green-fruit`(conn, ...)
# Get all green fruit.

# [1] "SELECT name\nFROM fruits\nWHERE color = ?"

The loaded query is a function which takes a DBIConnection:

conn <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
values <- data.frame(name = c("apple", "orange", "watermelon"),
                     color = c("green", "orange", "green"))
dbWriteTable(conn, "fruits", values)

params <- data.frame(color = "green")
`green-fruit`(conn, = params)
#         name
# 1      apple
# 2 watermelon

To load an anonymous query, a name must be provided:

load_query("my-query", "anonymous.sql")

Note that in both cases, database interface functions must be loaded before loading any queries (i.e. load the database package first).

By default, queries are loaded into the global environment. This behavior can be overridden by passing another environment to the loading function:

queries <- new.env()
load_queries("fruit.sql", env = queries)


dslaw/ryesql documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:22 p.m.